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Laszlo Brennan

Current Status: Active
Created: 03/23/2023

6ft 0in
Charming, Ohio
Near Indestructibility, Super Strength, Regeneration, Fireproof/Shockproof
American (Hungarian / Irish)









A kid growing up in the 80s in Ohio, Laszlo had prospects of moving to the big city... that is until one day something horrific fell from the sky and attached itself to him, killing him in the process. The creature, a cosmic horror Laz has since dubbed "Angela" (due to not being able to parse it's true name), thus brought him back from death and proceeded to make his life literal living hell with his extremely religious family.

The Brennan's homeschooled Laz and his brother, Novak, and moved even further into rural Ohio to hide the infernal transformation and it's reality warping side effects until he had better control of it. Much to the creature's surprise, Laszlo held on to a shred of his sanity and managed to keep himself hidden and intact for near to two decades, even working as a repairman until his brother passed and his father went missing in an accident that he still blames himself for.

Having resisted any orders from the creature until then, he finally caved in exchange for reversing Novak's death, ultimately warping both of them and their homeworld forever. Laz has since been using it's power and following what it tells him to do, but where the mind-bending red husk of a creature will take him and Novak next in the multiverse is anyone's bet...

Tidbits about Laszlo / Laz:
- Partly raised his brother, Novak due to a weird relationship with their father and mother.
- Likes the color bright red somehow despite it being close to his parasitic demon's form / coloring.
- Doesn't need much sleep. Will transform if relaxed as well.
- Big Star Trek and Miami Vice fan. Copes with TV and a sense of dry humor.
- Worked as a handyman in the times that his possession was more dormant.

Angela Red
Laszlo's Hair Color
Shirt Color
Slacks / Pants
Angela Red
Laszlo's Hair Color
Shirt Color
Slacks / Pants
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