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"Big" Bertha Lange

Current Status: Active
Created: 07/4/2023

52m (572ft)
850mt (937T)









Found in a traditional village in Germany, Bertha could never live a normal life due to her mysterious condition. From birth, she was believed to be cursed as she continually grew until she was larger than the biggest men as a toddler. Fearing confrontation with her family, she'd go into hiding and cry herself to sleep.

However, when found by a military unit, her curse suddenly became a blessing. Placed in specially created armor for her, Bertha acted as the only woman capable of taking down the newly emerged Kaijin. This is what she was born for.

An incredibly serious and strict woman, Bertha serves the fashionably named "Howitzer" unit and is in charge of defeating gigantic monsters. She's incredibly passionate when it comes to her duty and while she has a very cold and aloof expression, this breaks into a fierce and determined grin when she is going after a particularly thrilling or dangerous target.

Gold (Armor)
Navy (Armor)
Black (Armor)
White (Armor)
Machine Grey (Armor)
Dark Blue (Weapon)
Brunette (Casual)
Green White (Casual)
Orange (Casual)
Sea Blue-Green (Casual)
Gold (Armor)
Navy (Armor)
Black (Armor)
White (Armor)
Machine Grey (Armor)
Dark Blue (Weapon)
Brunette (Casual)
Green White (Casual)
Orange (Casual)
Sea Blue-Green (Casual)
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