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Kloe Canular

Current Status: Active
Created: 09/4/2024

Cool Martial arts
Has a mascot
her name is alex :)
Has a cool scar
got it while baby sitting a werewolf









Kloe Canular, The Crimson, a fairly imposing martial figure. She runs DENN, the Department of the Extra Natural and Nefarious, a once defunct office that is focused on dealing with other worldly problems, though much to her annoyance that seems to be every other issue that crops up in the city these days through technicality. Operating for The Silver Coalition, a hodpodge government helmed by multiple nations with hands in the same pie, she deals with many a frustration and conflicting goals.

A manufactured clone originally intended for menial labor by a society trying to get by on technicalities of human rights. She escaped when the country collapsed under their own weight of contradictions in her pre-teen years. She was adopted by the leadership of the beast barony(member of the silver coalition) and had a reclusive but far better second try at childhood there. As she grew up the contrast of world view of the places slammed her in the face, the disposable intend of the clones and the outright communists of the beast barony. Now she'd consider herself pretty biased, but she is definitely on the side of the people who treated her as a person rather than a very replaceable cloned cog. She found success in the militia training that evolved into joining the military proper, if only to never feel the same sort of helplessness that she experienced in the halls of the cloning lab. The easiest way to push her buttons is to deny agency to others, or to dig around in her (in her opinion) settled past in her noggin, that's a great way to earn a clobbering.

Steel sharpens steel, as a part of her constant self refinement she welcomes sparing challenges. She approaches this self improvement with a cynical angle, it would be wrong to say she doesn't improve herself to help others, but it would be just as foolish to say it isn't also for herself. She rationalizes it with a healthy half and half perspective.

Now if you want a jokey description of the character, consider her a very grounded communist super soldier, who can turn into a weird ferret monster with her familiar(not actually useful in a fight tbh), and also has ninja training because why not? Just don't ask her to do sharpshooting, she much rather throw something instead.

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