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Character Art Requirements

Here's a comprehensive breakdown of what we look for when submitting a character to Oculama. Please note that art is subjective, and we do our best to vet submissions with this in mind, but there are certain things outside of skillset and talent we still look for and are required for a character reference sheet.


  • Character Illustration 

    The image that will be utilized throughout the site for your character's basic banners. Utilized for character profile image and will be cropped at multiple points in multiple ways.

    Dimensions: 1280px x 720px

  • A Clear and Comprehensive Reference Image

    Please note that a character reference sheet is a working reference your fellow Oculytes will turn to when engaging in comic making with you. They need to know what their opponent looks like in order to depict them in their comic, and the character sheet is the best resource for that. As this is the case, we will be critical on these submissions and encourage you to provide effort in ensuring you submit your best work possible. Please note that if you’ve already submitted a character and choose to submit another, we’ll be judging based on the skills presented.

    • Front and back pose

      We and your fellow community members need to know your character from all angles, so a front and back pose is required. While not required, if you'd like to expand beyond that, feel free!

    • Good presentation

      As mentioned above, we need to see your best effort. Evidence that you’ve tried, and created something to the best of your ability. Outside of skillset, this includes legible text (if any), proper color, a front and back pose of your character, and organization of important elements and features for others to clearly review. We've provided an example of a character reference sheet below! 


  • Battle/Win/Lose Poses  

    Not required when you make the character but typically always good to have in order to enjoy the full scope of featuring your work here! 

    Dimensions: 900x300 (skinny and tall)

    • Battle Pose: The banner used for the battle page during the comic's drawing and voting period.

    • Win Pose: The banner used for the battle page if you have won the battle after voting has concluded.

    • Lose Pose: The banner used for the battle page if you have lost the battle after voting has concluded.