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Current Status: Active
Created: 01/19/2024

Active bounties
Thing she loves most about Val
Currently playing
Never Had A Dream Come True - S Club 7









Mercedes was once a simple thief, keeping herself in trouble and out of the reach of the law until she met the love of her life- the powerful yet refined Valentine. Determined to punch above her weight, she dragged Val into her life of crime and they've been on the run together ever since. They were, and are, absolutely obnoxiously besotted with each other.

But nothing is forever. After a botched heist to steal the fabled Golden Apple, dark wizard Isaac Newton cursed them with his wicked graviturgy to be separate, kept apart by the raw forces of the cosmos. Mercedes' intense Gravity curse repels against Valentine's Anti-gravity, pushing them further from one another with equal and opposite force. Doomed to pine for each other at a distance, they are searching for a way to reverse their fortunes.

Mercedes Gravity means she can drag things to the earth (and herself!), making them heavy and slow. This makes it as hard for her to escape as it is her opponents, so she has to be smart about it. The rules are pretty loosey goosey, so have fun!

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