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Page Turner

Current Status: Active
Created: 07/28/2022

Fighting Style
Libra Phantasm / Bartitsu
5'6 (When Normal)
They / Any









Page Turner is a Librarian from the Scholomance. An eponymous institution for studying magic from various fields of study and reality.

They study Literature and have read books for a few kalpa.

But lately they've been paying rent to maintain a local library in Junction- collecting overdue books and a cursed item or three for keeping.

Studying magic for that long may have skewed their sense of reality a little but the constant stream of stories that people come up with have kept them mostly normal for some time. They may exist in multiple dimensions if it has a book and tend to know everything written about it but not its level of importance as they are further from human than most.

Their Magic, Libra Phantasma pulls contents out of a book as a focus for bending reality. As a rule, those who believe in the illusory reality tend to be affected by it while those who catch on tend to release themselves from it like a bad dream.

Turner's Relationship with their Scholomance is complicated, as it steeps them in an everpresent magical society that has one too many rules that are mostly only concerned with the legal use of magic and its world ending potential.

Currently, it's considered that Page Turner is a creature too dangerous to be let loose in Junction as they tend to co-opt any reality inside any book. Despite their criminal-on-the-run status , they still follow laws written or otherwise and adhere strictly to games , wagers, and verbal promises as they tend to take things Literally.

Scholar's Green
Acetone Page
Burnt Libra
Book Wyrm
Iron Ink
Scholar's Green
Acetone Page
Burnt Libra
Book Wyrm
Iron Ink
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