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Current Status: Dead
Created: 01/26/2023

It / Its
8' / 2.43 meters
Physical construction
Pale polished wood, with ceramic chest and faceplate









A religious guardian construct in the form of a giant goddamn puppet.

Built by a reclusive religious sect by unknown means, as a guardian to the sword it now wields, Hamsa is as much a piece of religious art as it is a freaky disjointed murderpuppet.

Eerie, silent, and looming, Hamsa is not, however, mindless. It seems to comprehend any and all speech or speech equivalent, and while it does not answer (or speak, for that matter), it has been known to react somewhat reasonably to requests made of it by clergymen of suitably similar faiths to its own. Additionally, Hamsa seems both completely incapable of harming members of its faith, and compelled to protect them, which it usually does by employing significant and extreme violence.

Unfortunately for non-faith members, it is extremely, unsettlingly protective of it's sword, to the point of undertaking personal missions to preempt potential threats to it. This in turn leads to more people learning of the blade, who are then frequently deemed threatening to Hamsa's custodianship of the blade.

Hamsa is highly physically resistant, but not indestructible. There are minor signs of repair to its frame when viewed close up, though getting close enough to see them is likely extremely dangerous. The strings that animate it, however, seem spiritual or otherwise partially nonphysical in nature, weaving back together to reattach severed limbs and animate limbs again within a short time of being cut. Energy, magic, and more esoteric forms of assault all work roughly as expected on Hamsa, with the exception of curses and closely similar malicious magic-esque abilities. The string of Nazar around its neck as well as the Hamsa on its face seem to repel specifically these abilities, clattering audibly and fizzing with squirming red threads before settling.

Hamsa does not speak. However, on rare occasions, those nearby it have reported philosophical questions and propositions forming unbidden in their mind, and Hamsa itself reacting according to their answers. On several occasions, someone who would usually find themselves a victim of Hamsa's pre-emptive protections has found themselves untouched after answering a question in a manner it evidently approved of.

Hamsa does not tire. Hamsa does not waver. Hamsa does not regret. Hamsa protects, as best it sees fit.

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