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Krissy Kross

Current Status: Active
Created: 05/4/2023

Theme song
Magic - The Cars









When Krissy was young, she accidentally got sucked into a dimensional rift created by a mad wizard. In this rift between dimensions, Krissy lived for roughly 90 years. During this time, she learned to develop magic, as the air in the rift was filled with magic and it just kinda... seeped in. She also entertained herself with various VHS tapes that were lost in the rift with her. A bunch of 80's shows and movies, and Jane Fonda workouts. Also a lot of 80's music cassettes.

Krissy eventually was able to grow her magic strong enough to rip herself free. She now lives in the world as a strong Glamaturge: A person with strong magical abilities and control over all things glam. Big hair, glitter, spandex, etc.

Things to note/clarifications:

*90 years passed in the rift, but only like, 5 in the real world. Krissy knows what a smartphone is, but hasn't used one in a long long time.
*She didn't age in the rift.
*She can have more broad magic effects by channeling through a object of power from the 80's. Slap bracelets, skip-its, moon shoes, jelly shoes, etc.
*Her fanny pack is a small dimensional portal to the rift she was trapped in, where she now keeps 1000's of 80's items and memorabilia

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