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Comic completed on October 10th 2022


This match up was fire. Great stuff!


Baddest cliques in all the multiverse about to collide! I am HERE for it! Great work from both of you so far, and can't wait to see what you unleash!

Voting is closed.


There's so many little treats in the illustrations here (the kynsii cat was a nice touch), and I love what that does for the re-read value of the comic. Each time I go back to look at stuff to mention in my vote write-up, I notice something new. Great job as always with the dialogue-free storytelling. A lot of environmental text here, but it's all a lot of fun. One note on the text is that it gets hard to read in places when the art underneath it is too close in hue or brightness. I did also find it a little hard to figure out Didi's POV info at the end; is she recognizing Elly as a new confederate, or perhaps finding new Didis that weren't destroyed in the chaos? In any case, you hit a lot of great action and humour notes here; give yourself a pat on the back for a nother home run!


There's something just delightful about the cadence and personalities of the Didis. Married with the context of the whole hive mind being terrors of spce, they never fail to make me grin. Your world is, as always, a treat for the eyes with all its colors. There's a bit of coloring outside the lines that is noticeable, but not to the point of distraction. The punchline here, the bananas gorilla-style twist of Didi and Elly working together is a nice ending, but feels slightly lacking in impact. Sot of like I'm being cut out of the story right before the actual ending. All said, it's still a terrific story, and an absolute treat to read.


Whoa what an epic in just 5 pages. Really impressed with your ability to convey everything really well despite the large amount of plot beats. This comic really does some great setting work, showing the intergalactic reach of the didi network while also including a bunch of fun world building for Junction. Your pages feel really full and showcase plenty of characters to the point where I missed some easter eggs until the second reading. The ending is very daring and really shakes up your opponent's character in a very interesting way which makes me interested in seeing where this goes for Didi.


The old plot switcheroo! This was a very compact story with great pacing. The slow buildup played off the established menacing vibe the Didi's give off in a really cool way. The weekend at Bernie's esque charade was also great and it was funny to see this little gremlin run around and throw acid into everyone's faces. Plotwise I think the ending is a fun punchline, the only thing I would say is it feels a little abrupt, would love to have seen what the Didi’s were actually working on. That being said despite there clearly being some colors missing due to time constraints the comic is still really polished!


Ledgem - Wow so much to take in. What a great episode. The really smart way of utilizing Didi as both an adversary and an ally here. Your art has been so consistently good throughout the tournament and I am very impressed by that. Again, the details! Crazy good! While at the same time, maybe be mindful of putting significant plot tidbits in the details you put in as well because there's a likely chance that a few readers might just gloss over it thinking that it's just 'background noise' so to speak. Again, excellent comic on all accounts! So well done!


Brentony - I know you said you were worried about running time with the coloring but I think your comic still looks really good overall! Is it just me or do I hear Didi's voice in my head whenever she talks? I think this proves how you do an exceptional job in writing the characters. The Elly Cure and Pan Sea's hijinks are in full display here and it's so fun to read. I am still not over that Raven eyeshadow palette LOL I bet they did not pay her for the licensing XD Thanks for that cameo, it brought a smile to my face.


This was a ton of fun to read. Your expressions and visual gags are always really good but you really got me to laugh real good this round. I laughed out loud the first time I read the last panel on page two with Didi Hitting the windows and then seeing their expressions. the lil details you put in each panel really get me too, they are a real treat. I don't really have any constructive feed back this round, You did a really solid job writing wise and art wise. Thank you for the lovely comic, I look forward to reading more!


As always, a total blast to read. I really appreciate you're sense of humor, the midnight seduction gag was great. You're writing is also just a ton of fun to follow along with. I also love the costuming you do for Didi, It's always playful and stylish, even when sinister. The Star Destroyer captain DiDi outfit is probably one of my favorite DiDi fits now. The only thing I have of note is I would really love to see more work on the background colors in this one.

Thank you for the awesome comic ! I'm already dying to read more of them!


The details and little Easter eggs are on point in your background elements. I love that giving it more than one read leaves me finding more. Not to mention you've made me love non dialogue storytelling all over again. I don't think your comics lack at all for the absence of dialogue. You make comics something a reader can pore over and enjoy as we go through this story romp. It's not everyday we see tales of buggy aliens just being pure unadulterated slapstick. The two of you really bnrought it this round and I don't know whose gonna win!


The fact this was a case of 'oops, thought you were bad' as the punchline was really fun! The tension, the variety of Didi's as your opponents entourage braved the ships depths to find Elly was just great storytelling. you hit your stride round one and the rest of us have really just been enjoying the ride. LOVE Didi and I think the community can more than agree with me. Even with the press of time, the way you budgeted the colors was very smart! You focused on what was needed and pulled the characters from the BG. I say thats more than enough