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Comic completed on August 21st 2024


Purple Wizard Battle!!!!!!!!!!!!


This will be the most purple thing.

Voting is closed.


Right off the bat, very impressed with the in-story events taking place over an extended span of time - it's interesting to see Void and Saal's relationship take forms through and beyond their apprenticeship, and it adds a goodly bit of depth to your tale. My only comment here would be to maybe visually cure the reader as to where the jumps are happening, as I initially assumed there were pages missing, rather than realizing a time jump had occurred after getting beyond the jump (by several pages, in some cases).

That said, there's a super cool story at play here, and I'm really into the larger arc of Void becoming something like the master through the character growth (regression?) that occurs.

The dedication to the purple palette is pretty cool, and I think serves you well insofar as it is an aesthetic echo of the larger theme of paths of power, and how even similar/ parallel paths can lead to different shades of growth. While I enjoy the vivid color palette immensely, there are places where the purple-on-purple is causing some 508 issues that may be hurting the clarity of your scenes. Page one is the clearest example of this, with the master's cloak having a similar value to the background - not a back-breaking issue, but may be something to bear in mind going forward if you are bearing readers with accessibility concerns in mind.

You're getting a great depth to the artwork with your current style; Saal's teeth, for example, have remarkable dimension without requiring much in the way of fine detail. Void's musculature looks absolutely tremendous- you're onto something quite delightful with how you draw the body there. The shading effects you are able to capture are also quite impressive - you've got a post-impressionist-verging-on-abstract thing going on that I'm excited to see the continued development of.

(On the subject of Saal, you get some incredibly striking expressions out of her throughout - her ire on page 12 is a standout in this regard)

Overall there's some VERY cool style being developed here that does a credit to a lot of your compositions. As you continue to perfect your art style, I'd suggest a panel-by-panel evaluation to make sure each part of each page is visually conveying the action and detail you most want it to - definitely run it by a beta or two to get the most out of your approach!

Very cool stuff overall - pat yourself on the back and get yourself some rest before your next big project ;)


This comic got multiple laughs out of me, so well done there right off the bat. The little bits of inter-wizard banter around the basketball game were funny (love Monty telling Saal she needs the win more), and you craft Void as such a big, delightfully boisterous presence I can't help but smile.

In addition to the lighthearted atmosphere you've created between some of Junction's favorite spellcasters, you get a real sense of stakes (albeit not world-shaking ones) with Void's challenge on the court. I do wish there was a bit more context to Void's bravado, but since that's baked into the character I can't fault you too much for it. He works as a single-minded adversary, and you capture just that.

In a similar vein, the gag of Saal conjuring a shield from her own coping mechanisms is a great angle; I'd love for the gag to have been given a bit more depth, as I don't think I would have made the connection with what the shield was supposed to be without it being spelled out, but it's funny regardless.

At first I was slightly vexed at Void just popping on account of Saal making a basket, but on the second read-through it made me laugh out loud, even though I knew it was coming, so I've gotta give you props for that ;)

Art-wise, you're absolutely killing it with these expressions. Saal's exuberance, Valaric's calm collected-ness, and Myrtle's little faces of delight (and later irritation with Monty) add so much bounce and joy to the comic. If I could put a wish list forward for the comic, I would have loved to see some splashes of color put into the actual spell-crafty visual elements. I also low-key would have loved a bigger, splashier "POP" with Void disappearing to Hell (Michigan), but the smaller-paneled "POP" has it's own humorous appeal, so take that recommendation with a grain of salt.

Also, and I sort of mentioned this, I like Saal's anthropomorphic/ sentient-seeming conjurings; they add even more bounce and fun to the story!

Overall I really enjoyed this wizard outing - as they are proving to be a well-featured and well-beloved part of the Ocu-verse, it's a treat to have comics that pump so much life into them :)


I like what you were trying to do with simple shapes and color blocking to create your figures and scenes panel to panel. I'm uncertain if the deadline got the better of you as I feel it could use more refinement as some of the events got lost in translation. Still, an interesting experimental take on values and lineless style.
If I had some notes, I'd recommend a couple tutorials on panel composition and word bubbles. Ensuring the layout of your scene and its dialogue panel to panel will really help in clarifying events for your reader so its not all stacked and crowded together to try and fit a panel.


Crisp linework, and jumping right into the 'action' so to speak really made me smile. This premise for a meet cute and B-ball challenge is your usual wheelhouse of humor and I'm here for the ridiculousness. Valaric being the paragon of what a fab wizard should be is just the icing on the cake. Your character interactions are just plain cute. Wizards playing B-ball- I mean come on XD
If I had some notes it'd be to show some love to your SFX. I feel your hand written fonts don't get enough love or expression on what they're trying to convey.