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Comic completed on December 7th 2024

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Up front, my kudos to you for composing such a solid comic right on the heels of battle babes - your output is quite frankly humbling. And the story is rock-solid for all that - a substantial-feeling romp that has more than its fair share of meat on the bone.

As much as I've loved AG's adventures through Battle Babes,I feel you've hit an especially smooth stride with writing her here. The surreality of her existence and ability to shift into other OC's stories flows easily from page to page, losing none of the absurdity, but effortless to follow. The humourous beats flow more effortlessly here than ever, imo, and I found myself genuinely grinning ear-to-ear for most of my read.

Your illustrations are doing some exceptional work here in reinforcing the mood - from the relatively heavy intro in the nighthawks diner ("Shit. Fuck. I did it again. Goddamnit. Fuck. Not again. I did it again. Shit."), to the more light-hearted mood as AG sets the pace of the museum showdown, your illustrations feel well-calibrated to enforce the right amount of grimness or levity.

As fun a read as I've come to enjoy from you, and a tremendous relief to know that the end of battle babes won' be the end of our opportunities to enjoy Accountagopher's exploits.


This was a good read!

Your page-by-page layouts are quite strong - you maintain a brisk reading pace from top to bottom, and you keep your story very easy to parse through, even when events get confused by virtue of the in-story panic. The 'survive' and 'hope' sequences pack an excellent punch while keeping the action rolling along smoothly.

On a more micro-level, I'm deeply enjoying your illustrating style. You strike a nice balance between the liveliness of an under-sketch with the more decisive lines of a final layer, and that balance results in very parsable but still fully expressive figures that are a great fit for your tight per-page content.

You also demonstrate great understanding of rendering light and shadow, especially up-front, but also in a larger sense, as your instinct for detail sees you adding greater detail in lighting where needed, and pulling back where the focus is more on character action and emotion.

Re: the story, you're demonstrating a strong sense for explaining just enough to keep the reader following the important character focuses underway - everything is as clear as it needs to be even if it's not explicitly spelled out.

A genuinely enjoyable read; I can't wait to see your next comic hit the site!


Haha, very apt comic title and nod to the great Edward Hopper to drive home the artsy themes of this story. opening the comic with your own spin on the famous painting was a nice touch. Alot of the little touches are what I came to appreciate as I pored over your pages and made this feel pretty cinematic. The lived in nature of these lovely Junction cameos of other artists characters, the paneling framing our characters of interest within a doughnut, the narrative boxes playing at a detectives note pad, the very noir choice of making this a grayscale comic
If I had any notes, it'd be to keep an eye on your proofreading. A couple words were misspelled or misused (grisly, hear, missing question marks) which threw me a bit from the events at hand once things at the museum heated up, but that seems an easy enough fix.
Accountagopher is my new favorite. Her adventures really can't be beat!


I especially love your style and characterization of Accoutnagopher. She's so expressive and is granted alot of opportunity to emote which I appreciate. Also, this comic has me hankering to play Stardew Valley now- no better place than spelunking in the caves. This comic also leaned into cinematic tidbits which I really enjoyed. For some pages it felt like I was reading storyboards over how much TLC to afforded scenes and small emotive exchanges between these two.
I'll be the first to say I'm a sucker for a mystery, but I think the pull of a good mystery is to read a comic, devoid of outside context and influence and get *some* idea of what to speculate over. If I had any notes, it'd be to lean just a bit more on this mystery person Sigmund visualizes. Are they a sibling? A friend? Was the sacrifice the arm, or did they truly lose it in the caverns? I wouldn't say you need to give us the big reveal, but just a bit more to get a bit of footing and intrigue going.


Judge for Infinity Chasm

fantastic little comic that gives us a look at more of the indelible accountagopher's cartoony self, i like a lot of what the comic has to offer, it feels like accountagopher is actually a part of her own story, and that not just because we actually get some narration out of the little fucking furry THING this time! They take actions in the story they are setting for themselves and i am a fan of that, gold star! I admire your dedication to adding in as many cameo's as you possibly can, makes the whole oculama world feel like an actual world!


Judge for Infinity Chasm

This comic has some actually great tone usage for leading the eye around the page and some fantastic expression usage, making accountagopher the cutest i think she has ever been depicted as (with only Adalore's comic being a comparable level). The comic was well made and readable, with only some parts of the comic being a tad confusing because of some of the other minor parts of Sigmund's backstory (like the whole bit with SURVIVE and HOPE crawling their way across the screen) But overall this was a solid entry and i cannot wait to see more out of Sketch Comics!!!!


This one was a great read. Maybe the most entertaining and concise of your comics so far, but after some thought I realized that it's also the first time we've had Accountagopher with a single opponent since the first round of Battle Babes! I really liked seeing her without any trappings of the tournament or any attempt at a 'deeper' story, if that makes sense. Not that it was harming your storytelling, but after the finale, this was a much needed and much appreciated detour into something amusing and cute. I really liked this narrative wandering they engaged in. The noir theme and also intentional "abandonment" of it was cute. If this how we see more of them, I'm all for it. Great work!


This was a neat first comic! Not knowing anything about your character, it was an awfully dramatic entrance for a first comic and I'm really curious to learn more about him and if this missing arm is going to stay missing or if there's a future development to be found here. That being said, consider me intrigued!

I'm left with a lot of questions due to this comic's story, I don't really know where they are beyond a cave with a murderous toy soldier. I'm presuming based on the Stardew Valley part its just a video game reference I'm not really getting, so maybe it's just lost in translation for me. I wish you had used some original location for your character and had something deeper going on there. Random enemy from a video game maiming your character in defense of another one is fairly unsatisfying taken on its own. It also wraps up for the both of them without issue and quickly. Perhaps some power we don't know, but taken at itself, it wraps up in a neat bow which leaves me wondering why its so clean there.

In terms of your art, you have a very charming style! It's very cute, and I think you've got a lot of expressiveness behind it. Your characters are very bubbly and cute and you do a stellar job getting the emotional aspects across. However, your backgrounds could use some work. While your choice to have grays filling up the space and saving you the trouble of working them out in a good many panels (which is a smart choice!), when we get to a lot of the spots where having more details would matter it's very bare and sheer for what should be a cave, or a little devoid in a doctor's office.
Your comic seems very much like you're more familiar with utilizing a WEBTOON format due to a lot of the single page panels and the dripping/decaying words. I would like to hope that some day soon we can better accommodate that style.

This was a lovely first comic! I hope to see you do more with Sigmund and just on the site in general. Good work!

Dream Weaver

Absolutely delighted by this comic Ninja, the use of grays and the framing for so many of these panels perfectly fit that Noir vibe you were going for perfectly! Loved finally getting a inside look into Accountagopher's thought process! How you did it too was super creative, love a inner monologue to give that extra bit of insight to someone's thought process! And! She's! So dumb, I adore her, your honor. (✿◡‿◡) Short and sweet! I do think the brevity led to some missed chances, woulda loved seeing Sigmund directly interacting more with Accountagopher, but I also get that that's part of the story, how she comes in, does some huge action and leaves without a resolution! Overall, fantastic work, ninja!

Dream Weaver

Sketch I'm rattling you around, grabbing and shaking you up and down and around around around!! How could you be so cruel to those two, so mean to Sigmund and Accountagohper! That was such a gut punch of a comic, very well done, with a tragic ending that really just tugs at you! OOooh Accountagopher is so cute in your style, and I should've known it'd be too good to be true to see Sigmund again (っ °Д °;)っ

Your comic is incredibly well done, at worst I think it would have suffered a bit by the use of stardew valley + Lethal Company creatures for anyone who was unfamiliar with either or both games, but it stands so well on its own, that I think any disconnect would be minor overall!