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Comic completed on February 14th 2025


FOXSKULLALTAR - Both you and BunBun did this to degrees, but I do have to give you big props for making spectacular use of the aesthetic shared elements of your respective comics to effectively drive the conflict of this story.

The driving motivations between the fight are simple but easy to buy-in to. The Amber, being as single and (if it's not too much to say) simple-minded in its pursuit of companions would of course lead it to want to probe LK's core at any cost and LK, magnanimous as he is, would of course defend himself against something the motivations of which are neither immediately apparent, nor ones he would assume something not obviously sapient to be.

The resolution, too, feels well-crafted, and suited to the respective characters. That LK immediately backs down from fighting once it understands the nature of the Amber's urgency reads true, and is a satisfying demonstration of his personality as seen in each comic in this matchup The Amber's cessation of aggression (and indeed interest, once it samples the amber that LK helps it access - another great touch) also feels exactly right for a body directed by such a single-minded objective.


BUNBUN - I enjoyed the framing for this story - a proper tome for a proper knight's tale! The cover design and use of LK's hand and voice to put the story to bed were both a treat!

LK's earnestness, bordering on naivety in spots, is genuinely endearing, and tempered with some reasoning (i.e. contemplating why the clients would not take this job on themselves) that keeps him relatable. The phone sequence at the beginning, and the process of coming to understand what The Amber is after are the highlight sequences for showing off this depth to LK, imho.

I loved how you put the gutter/ negative space on the first few pages to work - really added some visual punch to the comic opening. Additionally, you do a great job with the chasm space - the very closed-in cave space is an effective setting for the encounter with The Amber, and I adore the chasm bridge sequence on the last page before the end title - that it opens up the space a bit and adds a calming glow to it feels like a nice reinforcement of the conflict between the two main OCs settling into peace.

Finally, I think where you really succeed is in making this round feel like the potential first chapter of some bigger epic while still giving your opponent OC a decent spotlight. Great work all around!


BunBun it seems you and your opponent had the same hat when it came to robos with hearts of gold. I love the Ser Kinght theming not only in the character but the format of the story. Fashioning it as a tale of old, complete with a opening and closing book is such a lovely motif. It doesn't hurt that by way of match ups, you couldnt of chosen a more complimentary opponent!

Foxskull, that cover page alone is SUCH an ominously interesting first look into what you had in store in this comic. Despite dealing with two robos, you implemented some great fluid action in the combat scenes. I expected more of a functional course of behavior considering this match up, but it was a pleasant surprise to see an exhibition of sympathy and camaraderie by the end. Lovely work.

bunBun mcCarrots

Hell yeah! LK and Amber, best buds across all timelines!

Voting is closed.


Judge for Infinity Chasm

This comic had quite a lot going for it, completion marks, smart layouts and usage of page-space, fantastic colors and even an opening and closing page to round out a perfectly polished comic! (Covers & End Covers dont rlly decide much of anything, i just always appreciate it)

There are some small tweaks and adjustments i think would have made the comic that much better: Firstly, page 8- being a rather important crux for the turning point in the comic- The vision that Large Knight saw when scanning The Amber is just a tad unclear, i assume they were scanning, saw the bugs, saw how they got trapped in amber, then the last is a bit unclear to me. I also couldn't help but feel that the comic suffers from a rather abrupt end, as soon as the scan is complete, each character skirting to a halt and agreeing to travel alongside each other seemed a bit too much like a narrative concession for running out of page space. I do love a good transition from round to round, but this is a common OCT comic issue, so i hope you do not feel as if i am calling you and you alone out here! It may just be a matter of taste, but i feel as if these things can end up betraying the tone built up throughout the comic up to the last couple pages. Great Job regardless! I can only hope to see more!


Judge for Infinity Chasm

My MY this comic shocked me more as it went along, i had seen some of your other works (an occasional snippet from Smack-down Central OCT) and by GOD you can do a fucking action sequence!! If there is one thing this comic holds solidly over the other, and most others within the tourney so far, its action composition, sequencing, and the power of the Page Turn. Flipping through some of these to the next splash felt great! And that's what made this match so damn close to me-- I had to fling these comics back and forth with myself for a bit before my decision, as they are really close and really similar in many structural and narrative aspects

I think what ultimately decided the comics, other than general completion marks for polish and quality, i believe were some of the compositional elements of the comic. Whenever id look at each panel, they're clear, readable, with a great bit of grey-scaling and a simple splash of color to help signify what was important, that's great! But some compositions could end up looking a tad empty, primarily page 5, i feel like is a perfect example of small edits that could be made to make the comic even MORE impactful-- Subtle smoke trails denoting the motion of the beastial machine rising and twitching to meet the Large Knight's Gaze, more onomatopoeia like the SMASH on the big impact panel a couple pages later would sell each moment that much more. I'd reccomend looking to Wgni's comic for some good utilization of those, as they have great uses in their submission! Other than that, this comic has the same sort of OCT-Ending syndrome as i described in the opponent's review, as both comics feel like they have an obligation to halt the action, and have each character come to an understanding and transition to the next round. This feels more like concessions for page space and "needing an ending," to me, but perhaps that is simply a difference in taste. Whenever OCT comics end this way it just feels as if they stop their own momentum a bit. These two were great comics in their own right, and I'm always excited to see more from you, hope to catch even more comics!!