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The Null Haunt

Current Status: Active
Created: 01/13/2023

Approx. 2 meters
Unknown; at least 135 kg
Null Space
Known Capabilities
Strength factor 8, Speed Factor 9; Preternatural stealth (possibly including physical/psychic camouflage?); Machete (monomolecular?); Monofilament grapple or lasso; Warp-capable ship (Junction Space Control reporting name: "The Victimizer")
Successful Recorded Prey Escapes









Delver's Guild Dossier:
"The Null Haunt" as it has come to be known was first encountered by Type 1-and-above involved Shards one standard cycle ago. Originating from one of the many unexplored sections Null Space, it invades Shards based on undetermined criteria (self-directed? or controlled by another force?), pursues a sapient Target, and eliminates them, thus far with a 100% success rate.

It takes some form of trophy from each kill (a body part or an item) - no discernable pattern to these trophies, or even a consistent value (in one notable case, a single hair!).

It has been repelled temporarily by scale 3+ firepower/abilities, but even Targets that have taken extreme hard protection measures have found themselves prey eventually - The Null Haunt even managed to somehow infiltrate a Piranesi Labyrinth and 6 layers of Type-2 Shardscale bodyguards by methods that remain unknown.

It does seem quite monomaniacal, ignoring anything that's not a Target except when in the most extreme, imminent danger from an uninvolved force. It also seems to abhor any form of ranged attack - all observed kills have been via the 'machete' attached to its right arm, save for one target that was garroted with some kind of monofilament noose. Other types of weapons have been deployed in hunts however - ancillary blades, nets, clubs, and it has shown willing to wield improvised weapons in addition to its own (quite sharp) hand and foot talons.

All attempts at communication have failed, although it does make 'vocalizations' at a frequency distressing to most beings.

It can be wounded, and seemingly has been at some point in the past maimed (a missing tail segment). See Appendix A for known weaponry/effects that have caused observable harm. Until a truly effective deterrent can be discovered, weaponized, and/or manufactured, it is advised to all Involved Beings to subscribe to the Junction Alert Early Warning message system and avoid areas where a Null Haunt incursion has been reported -

And pray to whatever Gods you acknowledge that you aren't a Target.

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