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Test Subject #27 :GiLgArD

Current Status: Dead
Created: 01/27/2023









Formerly a warlord infamous for his ruthlessness matched only by his own strength,on a quest to find the ultimate weapon so he could never be defeated.
After years of living a life of death and destruction he vanished. Many years later he was brought in by The by a band of angel knights A battle for the ages none saw.
But what was brought in was a shadow of the former terror he once was. A broken man with no will left to live. what could have happened to make him this way one could only imagine.looking into his disheveled soulless eyes--"

"for the love of god will you shut up Kibbler!" "but boss look at him hes been through so many of the doctors "experiments ya cant help but feel bad for him"
[Accelerated blood flow hostility?]
"Yea you go right ahead and go talk to him give him something other than rats to chat it up with"[my..friends..only fami ARGHHH]
"..I think I'll pass sir"
"Smart choice Kibbler now the doctor is out and we have inspection and we need to pass to get more funding for this dump."
"#27 here is one of our prized inmates no matter his condition so make sure you kill the rats
[no nonononononononononono]
"clear the cell and make sure those chains are nice and shiny when they get to his cell. Make 'em nice and golden to catch the light.
"let em get a good look at the monsters we have locked up nice and tight. I got kids to feed after all"

[ListeNn!saveRATsfamily!killmanrevenge Mistakemonster!no!wrongCAN!TRemembERwontRememberNeedtoGetTHroUGh! pain!

A man driven to madness through experiments by a cruel doctor but in brief moments a glimmer of the cunning warrior he used to be can be seen
He is in search of someone but doesn't know who just that he needs to get there.

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