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Comic completed on March 14th 2023


Absolutely adored this dude. Your story pacing was spot on with this one, and as always I get a good laugh out of your work. The ending was also really sweet and Im glad temble got a "win". Nice work dude, Nice work!!


For some reason I can't vote on this super cool solo comic so I'll leave a comment -- Brentony this absolutely SLAPS, you have an unfailing knack for incredibly original plots, delivered with a kickass injection of pitch-perfect humor that is at once hilarious and heartwarming. Every character you touch somehow transforms into comedic gold, you're truly the Rumpelstiltskin of Oculama, complete with baby hijinks. Needless to say I love this comic and although I obviously wish I could have done something in return I couldn't be happier with this sendoff for Sparrow! Can't wait to see Tembel rock ass in the FINALS!

Sparkle Magic Didi™

my name is brentony, and i'm here to 🧹*sweep*🧹 the competition!

..... what do you mean she brought her own broom?


Two fresh faced cinnamon rolls (or are they??) duke it out!

Voting is closed.


This one was a really solid read! I love the way you keep up the continuity between your past fights and how the baby was plot relevant to this one. Also I used to be a stargate fan so i was just like YAY STARGATE TIME

I would say my main 'critique' is that I was hoping for some more closure regarding what happened to charlie and 'seraphiel' even if it was just discovering that they were dead or tembel acknowledging that they never found them, but I also understand why that wouldn't have worked within a time limit necessarily.

I did really like that final page and reread it a few times. it really stuck with me! I was feeling very bad for tembel and worried he was just gonna mess up again but he finally did his job didn't he... sniff...



Ah geez! This one hits hard! You're finding a really impactful balance of giggles and somber content with Tembel; a balance that keeps getting better with each round, imo. The decisive Sparrow and well-meaning Tembel make a great duo, which you play to perfection.

Art-wise, your game remains rock-solid. My main suggestion for future monochrome comics might be to vary up the color used for different pages depending on the intended mood or action depicted? The final page and montage page, for example, feels like it could warrant a different color to reflect time passing, and the more action-heavy pages might deserve a more high-octane color (if that's not too obtuse a wording~~~).

One additional minor note - I really dig the designs you came up with for the bird and cat aliens; they add a lot of flavor to this comic!

(friggin' stargates, amiright???)



I really like the biblically accurate angel design at the beginning! Great expressions and lots of fun action happening! I really like the variety of fun environments, especially the montage on the last page. Lots of good visual gags all over the place!
I feel like a slightly lighter base background color might have been a good idea? To me there's not quite enough contrast between it and the lineart, which makes the comic a little eyestrain-y to look at.
Really good focus on your opponent, a good balance of fun moments for both characters. I think sometimes the "character grows old and dies" ending can feel like a bit of a cop out in deathmatches, but you make it feel natural and make sense here.



Brentony you did it again. This is definitely less polished than the last one but it did not take away from my enjoyment of the comic overall. I love the continuity you have in your comics as it allows me to get invested in the characters further and further. The ending is so bittersweet. I am still reeling from it. I love the foreshadowing you did in the beginning about Tembel's charge actually living out their intended lifespan and how it got connected to the ending. I hope we get to see what happened to the baby and Charlie one day. Maybe they went off on their own adventures. I always look forward to reading your work and this did not disappoint!



Poor Tembel and their existential career crisis XD It's great to get a peek at what lies under the celestial hood when it comes to the heavenly working of higher beings. It's amusing to see despite their...might? (Does Tembel have might?) our lil angel is pretty low on the totem pole and seemingly on a PIP! I love the design of the higher angel who edges onto biblically accurate but is still given your signature cartoony spin. They set the tone as to what at stake for Tembel as they appear all tears in front of Sparrow.
The nods to poular media were the tongue in cheek I enjoy. From dragonball to Stargate as these two montage their way to dynamic duo. I did not expect the slow descent into some really touchy feely sentimentality. No words were needed to relay something pretty bittersweet.
Will we see baby again? Will we see a Zheng resurrection? I love the questions this comic has cropped up and look forward to that big finale!



The art was really nice very clear however it did get sketchy for page 7 but it was still readable.

I really loved the intro to this comic. Tremble basically facing the consequences of his actions from the previous comic is an intresting little set up for the rest of the comic. It also gives some world bulding to tremble! I really loved the small reference to boatman! Even if it was a small one. It made me smile :)

Also I thought the ending was very sad and really pulled on my heart strings. It's sad that sparrow never where able to find her little bug friend.

I would say while I do like this final page I would of liked to have some colousre on the baby and charile but overall it's still a very good ending.



Oh I loved this so much was super entertaining for the whole comic! i'm also glad to see Tembel get a win job wise for this one even if Zheng had to die ( i'm glad you managed to do what I couldn't. kill her without killing her!) I'm really falling for all your characters and how well your able to integrate them with yours to make such great stories! highlights of this story were definitely all the different silly faces and the cleaning montage of throwing organs at each other was so morbidly on point for the standard you've set for Tembel comics <3
