She's happy to serve any strange customers that may show up to her little diner!
I'm not used to doing short comics so thought keeping it at just 4 pages would be fun!
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This comic hit every note I really enjoy in a comic! The juxtaposition of the cute poppy art with the weirder darker aspects is sooo much fun and makes me instantly curious as to what is happening around this diner. It is a cool move to show a strong location and setting that is uniquely suited for your character really grounding the environment. My one fear is multiple comics against opponents constantly doing diner shenanigan's may get a bit repetitive if your opponents dont think of ways to make it more unique to suit their character's stories as well but overall I feel you have such a strong grasp of the stories you want to tell I dont imagine you would have much issue I just fear for anyone trying to only follow in your foot steps for setting the pace of the story I cant wait to see more!
Oh my fucking god I fucking love Ruby so fucking much oh my god. Your artsyle is appropriately adorable throughout, even down to the font with the hearts! ♥ I love your use of color, everything (well, almost everything hehe) is bright and colorful without being too much like it can skew sometimes. Your linework is all simple and clean and perfect for what you're going for, and even where the linework is more sparse, you fill it with color and texture, it's all very pleasing to look at. I LOVE that page with the oddball customer, he contrasts so well with the rest of the comic, and Ruby popping in with her colorful panel was funny. That gag is so up my alley omg. I don't think I even have critique to throw at this that isn't nitpicking, what a fabulous introduction to a fabulous character I'm officially a Ruby stan now
What a perfect demonstration of short but sweet; sprinkle in some intrigue with the mysterious guest in page three, and we got ourselves a number 15, a strawberry milkshake!
The panels blend and flow exceptionally well into another, while also complimenting the story (looking at the bell ringing into the establishing shot & then Ruby). We are introduced nicely to Ruby, her outlook and personality, as well as her workplace and boss.
Despite being only 4 pages long, we also get a first look at conflict in her life; the closing of her workplace, due to cryptic occurrences... Leaves one to wonder if that's a common issue, or Ruby might just lose her job after all!
Only time will tell!
You have created a very effective introduction comic that leaves very little unexplored.
Cheers, to Ruby!
Gorgeous comic! Short and sweet but just the right amount to give me a sense of Ruby's story and more. Your art is beautiful and the writing has kept me engaged all throughout. I love how unified the color scheme is and very pleasing to the eye. I am also very impressed with the tone shift on page 3. Whoa, I did not see that coming. Needless to say, I am hooked from page 1 and it just kept getting better and better from there. I sure hope to see more of Ruby and your work overall.
Everything looks stellar! What a perfect intro comic. Well done!
Can I just say something about the comic art-wise...? It's VERY AESTHETIC, I can't get over it, omg- Everything is very pinky and I absolutely loved it! You really have a great eye for colors and tones! I applaud you for that.
As for writing, I find the ending especially interesting, it's a very nice twist to the over-the-top wholesome and cutesy vibe Ruby has going on, balancing it out a bit. I really like it!
The comic, in general, really got me hooked on wanting to know more about the character and how she'll interact with others while being a pacifist and all in a world full of mostly fighters, killers, and such.
Well I find the words "I love it" especially appropriate for this comic. It's a sweet intro comic and does itself justice. The artwork is top notch vibrant; doesn't fail to get my dopamine receptor to fire. Also I'm convinced you made a custom font just for this, because it simply fits in too well with the rest of the art and the character's concept. Also love the SFX bubble. This comic also served as a fine tool to show Ruby's personality and the absurd lengths it goes to. Ever since this character rolled up in the fray I was excited to see her in action, and this did a fine job of maintaining that same eagerness.
Lovely intro comic and congrats on getting it done! Dig the flow of that first page with the word bubbles flowing with Ruby skating down the panels. You have a great sense of movement that you definitely use to your advantage as your character flits to and fro. Crowd scenes are indeed difficult as is getting the feeling of a packed diner but I think punching up the elements of your scenes by way of volume and people would really drive how busy this diner is home. Some of your establishing shots are great. Rubys diner has such personality and you can tell they are made specifically for it which is charming.
If I had to give a note it’d be to incorporate your word bubbles and narration into the composition of your pages. I’m glad the dialogue is big and bold but they bleed out of panels and off page in a manner that makes me wonder if they’re added in after the page is complete.
If I had a special mention it’s that I love the marriage of cute and spooky you’re working with here. Whose the mysterious shadowy monster? What’s the secret to be kept? I’m dying to know. Looking forward to more comics!
Really great stuff! Ruby's design is really fun, I quite enjoy the palette here, it's very bright and vivid but not overbearing, and that intense bubbly brightness makes the grim and creepy scene hit even harder. A characters who's positivity and naivete is so extreme that they don't see any red flags is a great choice, it gives you tons of flexibility in collabing with both fun cheerful characters and oculama's many murderers, lol. There's very little here to critique, if anything just pay attention to word bubble flow, the final page has a bit of a wonky flow with the bubbles appearing from the right instead of the left, and you could probably shrink your text a couple pts down so your panels have more room to breathe. Other than that, awesome stuff.
LETS FUCKING GOOOOO THIS IS A GREAT FIRST SHOWING WITH FANTASTIC ART WORK I AM STUUUNNEED!!! The art work is so polished so masterful i am swayed i must give Ruby all of my fucking credit card information at ONCE. I absolutely love a good intro comic and this one is a perfect encapsulation of every thing i would want out of one! Nothing makes me want to fight a character more than a good set up and with what you provided i can see the battle now!! You better prepare yourself for a brawl one day.... One day Uncle....
First off let me say I ADORE the designs here. Ruby has a really fun construction, and the mask in the darkness is impressively spooky for being so relatively conservative in detail. Art-wise, I would only really suggest a bit more contrast the colors you use for setting/characters/objects. For a lot of the panels and pages the visual elements threaten to mesh into a rosy-red blur, as fun as the art is overall. I appreciate this homogeneity of hue in contrast to the mask in the darkness of the alley, so if the variety in contrast was by design, I retract the above. Really solid stuff overall, great take on "the darkness lying on the fringe of the saccharine," and thank you for showing us all this cool character and intro :)
This was absolutely adorable. A real treat to look at and Ruby has won my heart!
I cant wait to see more!
Comment posted: May 10th, 2023 at 7:00 PM
The line work, the story telling, the characters, the environments, and mood setting are all spot on!
It's really nice how you can tell allot about the character just from a few panels and minimal dialogue.
Super excited to see more Ruby!
Comment posted: May 1st, 2023 at 4:31 AM
Great stuff, Uncle!! 8D
Comment posted: April 29th, 2023 at 10:55 AM
Sparkle Magic Didi™
Rubyhive make some nooooooooise! 💎💖💎💖💎
Comment posted: April 24th, 2023 at 9:23 AM
Ruby my beloved <3333
Comment posted: April 23rd, 2023 at 7:14 PM
Wow I really loved this comic!
Comment posted: April 23rd, 2023 at 10:24 AM