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Comic completed on December 9th 2024




Thanks for being my opponents you guys! Loved both your comics and was glad to get a chance to fight you both

I love love love how you depicted Ishar in this comic.
Your writing really shines in this comic, I think you have a fun sense of humor and the story and script are very lovingly crafted. ALSO NOOOOO MIKAEL HOW DARE YOU BREAK LU'S HEART. She deserves so much better noooooooooo.

The start with the Accountagopher/Lu mix totally took me off guard! I like how you use AG as a framing device to see the behind the scenes behind the Battle Babes tournament, introducing a more corporate angle to the Battledrome and the situation the characters find themselves in. The dialogue of AG's coworkers in the background are fun to read. I liked the nod to Baddie Longleg's drop out was really nicely done in world and the discussion about which character would work best for marketing. You're really good at conveying AG's character arc, very difficult to do with a silent character.

The action is great! I liked your interpretation of the shifting baby-weapons (the baby-guns were my favorite) and also Ishar as an honorable but formidable opponent. Once again your backgrounds and environments are a joy to look at. I liked the way you captured the coloring of the location art and brought it to life in your comic. The composition on page 8 does such a good job of making use of dramatic lighting. The final page does a good job at driving in the bittersweet ending. Lu's won but she's resigned herself to being unloved, leaning fully into her role as a fighter. I noticed her hair style as returned to the one she had before she got her powers, I think it's a really interesting parallel. Very curious to see how her journey continues.

Nooo they're so mean to Accountagopher in the beginning. I'm glad she gets to be protected in this comic and also find her own agency and peace.

I've commented this on your previous comments but I like your shift of color palettes to set the mood scene from scene. Very creative depiction of all the character's abilities and a very fun fight overall. Action on page 10 is my favorite, just really nice mix of panels of compositions on this page. I liked seeing all the babes work together and use their powers in tagent with each other. It was both absurdly funny and entertaining how cartoonishly evil Mikael turned out to be in your comic. Just when I think he can't get any worse he keeps escalating the stakes even further. And then for the fight to culminate by having him launched into a black hole was wild.

The set up of Accountagopher puppeting other characters was really subtle but clever. The progression of showing Human AG holding a sock puppet, to using Ishar and Lu to talk, to controlling Mikael is a good way at making what is happening read clearly without needing to overly spell out what is happening.

(Also side note but I enjoy how all your background characters have very distinct looks even when not having any lines.)


The babes are fightinggg




I’ve been reading through the Battle Babes comics, and I’m looking forward to this!


We're approaching the finale! Good time to start drawing!

Voting is closed.


Fully complete comic with stylistic consistency from start to finish for a full 28 pages. This comic uses color (or lack of it) to its fullest extent to achieve narrative goals, such as reflecting the dull day-to-day of Accountagopher's life contrasted with her colorful imagination, and the slight melding of the two by the end. The lil effect of the black hole becoming the occulama logo is clever! The additional moment at the climax where the author encourages the character and spells out the main themes is great. This one is for all the lil guys/gals for whom getting through every day even when it’s hard is heroic. The quiet defiance of carrying on anyway even if people are crappy to you. The small tragedy of how there very well be so many people like accountagopher who aren’t acknowledged but are simultaneously essential.


The polish on that first page kicks ass! Although the rest of the comic is unfinished, it generally has a consistent level of polish with excellent use of contrast on black and white pages. Some pages still show the sketch lines. Lu is such a bad**s b**** and came to kick butt - I'm rooting for her just like her top fan, accountagopher, who takes things into her own lil gopher paws. The action is so dang good, love the fight scene and drama of that one last fight. That last page is also killer - what a powerful image of a queen on a throne!


I liked the sketchy style and color choices near the start! You have great expressiveness for each of the characters. Unfortunately, it is definitely unfinished; the style is inconsistent for the remaining pages. Story-wise - I liked the development of the relationship between Ishar and their child and how it was neatly brought into the story for the finale. I also find the different approaches to the "test" interesting and how Ishar heroically fails. It's a good sentimental ending with all of the remaining babes coming together. It was a heartwarming ending and a tidy conclusion to Ishar's story. GG!


Ishar has been a really interesting character, with how detached she is from everything except the child and the stubborn, potentially self-destructive love she has for it. She seems so empty here now that the child is gone With how casually she treats the possibility of the child hurting her or anyone else, there's this really engaging contrast with how Ishar's never been shown as outwardly aggressive or violent and she doesn't seem to want anyone else to suffer, but ultimately she just doesn't care about anything as much as she cares about the child. That's really nicely contrasted with Accountagopher and Lu, who both choose to give up what's in front of them because they have something that's more important to them, while Ishar's entire reason for living has become so singularly focused. The art is so good at conveying what Ishar's feeling, all of her expressions are so subtle and it looks like she's always staring past whatever's in front of her, and the colored pages where she's completely white make her feel so far away. She creates a kind of dreamlike atmosphere in the comic, like the whole thing is starting to dissociate with her, it's really good character writing.


Fuck yeah. This comic has so much to it, carried by this enthusiastic energy that drives it to the peak of Accountagopher's concept. It's real cathartic to see Accountagopher's ending, saving the world through determination and positivity and returning to her mundane life after finally having people around her who recognize and appreciate her. Taking the stakes to such an absurd height is perfect for the character, and then you take it even further with the meta examination of what it means to be the Accountagopher, just the fact that such a goofy character gets such a whole-hearted and unironic win feels really good to read. Your colors and textures carry the absurd rollercoaster of the story really well, between the transition from grey to color and the intensity that you can put into the lighting effects, I think it's a big part of what makes the comic's wild jumps between locations and tones feel work, eventually coming full circle with the pink that comes back into Accountagopher's life at the end. To Accountagopher, babest of us all.


That was kind of a brilliant way to frame the story with the plot in Babedrome Corporate HQ intersecting with the fight, giving accountagopher her own little arc that feels like a great resolution for her character while also creating this kind of unspoken camaraderie between her and Lu's similar struggles that I really love. Compared to the other characters in the tournament, Lu is just generally more mundane and grounded in a you've directly commented on in your comics, and I think you use it especially effectively here to make Lu really relatable, and really easy to root for. I love how you handled Mikael's subplot, it always felt like he was going to stab Lu in the back somehow but for him to just turn out to be a shitty sleazy guy, completely unrelated to the stakes of the tournament, makes that betrayal hit a lot more personally. It's a really interesting way to build up the emotional stakes of the fight too. Externally Lu doesn't really have a lot to lose here, but having Mikael throw her away like that really effectively emphasizes her struggle just to be respected as a person and as a competitor, and combined with what Corporate is saying about her, it feels so raw and relatable that I want to see her succeed.


Judge for Infinity Chasm

Lu 2 Smooth bro, I think in retro spect the aspects i liked about your comics the most has been the cohesive narrative feel, consistently smart pacing tricks and the overall quality of some of the coolest color shots the environment of the Tournament. Like I truly feel that you are probably the best environmental and/or background artist the tourney had proper, and Lu's final showing is no disappointment! I love the fucking feeling of seeing Lu having to go all out in every single encounter and it makes for some engaging stuff, i have really loved their run! PRISTINE BABE!!!


Judge for Infinity Chasm

Not gonna lie it was pretty hard for me to get into this comic, i noticed that during the bits with Ishar and Lu kind of felt as if they were lines that anyone could have said, did not feel exactly the most in character for them to say. Maybe im wrong, but at some points when the girls (who are the only ones talking since accountagopher cant) they really just feel interchangeable with any other babe that could have been in this finale. It was the biggest weakness of the comic, however i must also acknowledge that the art on display has been the best you have ever put out, so while i could not personally get into the comic (and its meta plot, i just really do not enjoy meta plots, ever.) i still recognize it as one of your best visual works, and im glad this comic got to be your 100'th! CHEERS


Judge for Infinity Chasm

i truly think it is hard for me to ever really dislike a Saggy original production. The fundamentals of good comic work and composition are just too powerful and i love it every time i see it. Wrapping up the core of Ishar's story with the "You were never a mistake" bit and the whole Narrative Test of the Babes to see who truly deserves to be crowned babe king is fucking BEAUTIFUL!!! I love it and i love the compositions and how you can pull back the camera and make us feel so small with the characters, there is truly no end to how much i have loved the Ishar run and im glad you got to make it to a finale FINALLY!!! HERE's TO BRINGING IT HOME!!!!


The story here is so personal, it's brisk and breezy without losing any substance. Accountagopher and Lu's simple tasks, with their ambitions already laid bare and achieved, is a good contrast with Ishar and all her complicated emotions over the child. Having her deal with the consequences not of what she did, but what she wanted, and ending with that choice still reaffirmed is powerful! I wish the last pages, with the most emotional resonance, had a layer of tones, spotblacks or flats on them, but they still hit quite hard without. A real piece of poetry, and worth the page.


This comic is so intricate and ambitious, using every piece of the plot possible and adding its own conspiracies on top. While the characters get a little lost in the middle, they still shine through when it really counts. The colors are on absolute full blast, instead of going for a single atmospheric mood like earlier rounds it goes for a full spectacle bonanza, and it's a blast. The action is exciting, the twists are interesting, and the little personal piece at the very end really ties things together nicely. While I wish things were just a little simpler, too much comic is a great problem to have. A piece of art!


Oh my god that opening page sets such a scene. This comic does well by every character, but Accountagopher is a star. The inks and spotblacks make everything so dramatic, and actually come off as stronger than a couple of the color pages.But then you see the saturated blasts of the stage come out, and it makes things pop all the more. This comic feels like it ends extremely fast, for a great emotional high. That said, I feel like the final page could have sat in the build up just a little longer: wanting more is the best problem to have at least. An absolute blast of comicry.


You've crafted something really quite beautiful with your story this round - having the throne challenge the babes through existential dilemma was a terrific choice as the cap-off for a tournament that has explored a lot of existentially challenging scenarios but often come down to a hand-to-hand resolution. It's the sort of self-actualization challenge that opens up opportunities (which you capitalized on nicely) to shine a light on all featured OCs and allow each of them a "win" within the story. I especially enjoyed seeing AG realize she deserved better than what her life and work were giving her, and then acting on that realization.

But THEN you take it a step further with Ishar, and as cathartic as it is to see Lu and AG passing the test and showing themselves capable of moving past what's been holding them down, it was a genuinely terrific move to show the test itself as capable of fault in its assessment of the babes. Ishar blissfully declining to follow the script of detaching from the past was heartwarming to the the story's benefit, and the narrative vindicating that decision feels tremendously rewarding from a reader's POV.

(In a similar vein, it felt wonderful to see Ishar left with a trace of the child, *and* having the child be instrumental in a small way in saving their mother.)

(I also liked how you used Lu's energy dopplegangers to make a human chain to rescue Ishar - I'm a sucker for clever applications of power in fiction)

You mentioned in the shorthand for this comic that you were trying out a new approach to your art style for the final round. I didn't give it much thought on my first read-through, but on subsequent reads of the comic I find myself quite taken by the effect you accomplish with the artistic shift after the initial flashback scene. 
The shift works best when we hit the throne's test for each of the finalist babes. The blending of the real and the (I presume) events taking place either within the babe's heads or in a sort of sub-space where the test occurs is well served by the more unmoored illustration style, especially when contrasted to the (while still ethereal) more surfaced art style you've used in the first two rounds and initial pages of this round.

I'm of two minds on the colorless pages extending until the end of the comic. On the one hand it feels like the ambiguity of the situation (that is, whether the B&W indicates the characters still being in an existentially liminal state) undercuts the catharsis/ conviction of the final message, that Ishar's love is not wasted on her child, wherever and whatever it might be, but on the other hand, I feel I don't much mind a touch of ambiguity on that matter, as the acknowledgement that Ishar being "right" about her love for her child is in fact subjective is arguably a far more mature (if that isn't too pretentious to say) takeaway from this comic.

More so than any other comic in the finale here, this story leaves me craving further comics expanding on its star. Perhaps its the relatively terse comics that have featured her so far, but between the interaction with her sisters at the beginning, and the lingering remains of her child, I feel there's a tremendous amount left to be said on her account.

Outstanding showing, not just here, but through the entire tournament; Ishar's journey has been beautiful to follow, not just in the art, but in how she and her child's importance to one another has shaped her story.


First off, incredible output for this finale - 28 pages is no joke, even with an extended writing period. That your pages have the level of polish they do is equally impressive, imho.

I've brought up your terrific use of color in previous rounds, and I would like to again. The cover pages are beautiful as always, and the way you weave color in slowly over pages 2-5 puts me in mind of the shift to color in Wizard of Oz, or the shift to claymation in James and the Giant Peach. The colors from that point forward are as lively as I've come to expect from your comics, but even in those pages are some panels I'd consider standouts for this tournament. Mikael's face reflected in Lu's badge is a beautiful panel - a great showcase of color and composition. Interspersing the sound effect of Ishar slicing open the snake with the spilling blood and gore was a lovely little touch. The color shifts toward the end are nice too, with the purple haze pages working beautifully as a segue into the relatively starker (color-wise) backgrounds that make up the author - character encounter. I could go on, but alas.

Your greyscale pages deserve praise as well - the difficulty of fully shading without color is often underestimated, but your greyscale pages are not only parsable without difficulty, they are a delight to examine, and in many ways even richer than some comics' fully color pages.

Some killer action shots in here as well; the entire page of Ishar slashing apart the snake was positively thrilling, and the explosion panels on pages 17 and 18 after Ishar throws it into the sky were both glorious.

There's no shortage of rancid dudes in this comic, serving as a clean counterpoint to the excellent OC babes therein. Your inclusion and focus on AG's coworkers in the opening was a great choice, both to enforce the reader's desire to see AG succeed/ get a win (not that I didn't feel strongly to that effect already!) and to set up a sort of parallel to the role Mikael would serve later in the comic, as someone looking to undermine the women in the story.

Incidentally, I found myself loathing (and loving the loathing) AG's co-workers even more so than I did Mikael. Kudos for writing them so thoroughly unlikable that they stand shoulder to shoulder with the actual larger-scope antagonist.

I enjoyed the micro-elements of the author - character confrontation quite a bit. AG as a hand puppet was a surprisingly compelling choice; one that I found myself thinking about even an hour after my first read-through. I can't quite tell if I'm thinking too much about her "operator" as a distinct entity within the fiction of the comic (and whether that distinction carries into the larger oculama setting; I guess that one really does boil down to author intent), but I greatly appreciate the narrative conundrum posed thereby.

I was also intrigued by "AG"'s method of communication with the author - having the other babes be the mouthpieces by which the puppet communicates was another thinker for me, and is still tickling my brain as of this writing.

Finally, of course, I have to give props to the lovely ending you crafted. The no-winner ending is terrific on a lot of fronts, but I think I like it best because it shows the babes demonstrating a really touching solidarity in the face of an adversary that sought to, if not outright divide the babes, at least capitalize on a presumed indifference to AG.

AG has been a delight this entire tournament through; it's great we're already getting some comics with her beyond the tournament, and I genuinely hope she becomes an Oculama mainstay in the years to come.

PS - Props to the world-building you accomplished this round, and throughout the Babe tournament.
The little shout-outs to different Oculama characters throughout the story were really nice touches, and, perhaps moreso than any other character in this tournament, AG's world feels the most grounded in the junction, due to (ironically) how adrift she is in other character's realities.


You've struck a similar chord, comic-to-comic, in this tournament, with the focus on Lu overcoming decidedly unfavorable peripherals and an arrogant opponent to ultimately emerge victorious through pure grit. You've just about perfected the formula here, and I feel the flow of that opponent-of-the-week style reaches a highly-polished form with this final round.

The choice to reveal the entire babe tournament as a sham is an indisputably bold one, de-legitimizing (in-universe) the efforts of all the babes throughout each preceding comic leading up to this final round. The wisdom in that writing choice, of course, is that it gives Lu absolutely tremendous odds to be working against, making her ultimate win feel satisfying in a way that just having her beat face would not have delivered on. It's also a choice that feels like a clever inevitable culmination in Lu having had the odds so fiercely against her throughout. The odds have been against her, the audience has been against her, and now, oh so fittingly, the very structure and running of the tournament itself is against her. It feels so very right for the conclusion of her arc.

Part of me was expecting Mikael to have a different sort of significance, given the focus Lu had in earlier rounds on uncovering/ tracking down some entity loosely affiliated with the tournament. On third or fourth read-through, however, I find myself liking his almost offhand scumminess in two-timing Lu more than I feel I would have enjoyed a more overtly villainous or otherwise high-profile role. His actions serve the really hammer home how *nothing* is going Lu's way in the babedome, and how she can't even get this one little thing to work out for her.

AG's quiet efforts to level the playing field add a fun wrinkle to the formula you've been polishing this tournament. The third party who recognizes even a sliver of the odds stacked against Lu is a welcome addition to her struggle.

Your art is sharp as ever. Lots of little details here that enriched the tale: the unheralded switch to black and white for the AG focus, the H.E.R. terrain generator, Lu dropping her bands as she ascends to fight - there's an admirable dedication to making the background just as rich as the foreground which pays of gangbusters.

It feels almost redundant/ superfluous to comment on your combat art, but you've really outdone yourself on every count for this finale. The angles are KILLER (shout out to the low-angle shot of Ishar swinging in with the baby hammer and the close-up of Lu grabbing the chain), and for such a relatively brief fight there's a ton of detail for the reader to sink their teeth into.

Your backgrounds remain a strength of your comic comic craft through this round as well; the throne, with it's mish-mash of elements from previous rounds, shines in your comic more so than any other. The red moon, especially, cuts a striking element of your compositions and helps it all feel properly epic. Even the quieter moments in the babedome have the dignified gravity a finale deserves (Lu's silent misery at the top of page 6 and the panorama of space she stares out into loom largest in my mind). The contrast of all that against the less imposing office backdrop AG operates in serves the comic well, and bolsters (lightly) the humour of AG moving pieces in this grand conflict from a glorified IT server room.

And hoooo boy that final panel. Lu really is just going through it all the time; even in a hard-won and well-earned victory, I feel a bit bad for her. Yet for all that, she's won, and you've done a great job of showing the pain required to get there.

It's been awesome to watch Lu climb the ranks in this tournament; she's a great fit, and this was a great venue to watch her let loose. I've loved reading her exploits since Oculama's inception, and I hope to see much more of her in the tournaments ahead.


A mothers love. This hit me in the heart meat in a way I didn't expect. Granted these are fantastical circumstances but the human element of wondering if you made the right choice with your life vs on behalf of someone really resonates. It was great to see the crossroads you presented to your opponents and their reasoning to head to the Battle Babes throne.
I'm sorry it appeared time got away with you by way of comic quality. You have such a distinctive style, its apparent when its absent, but it didn't infringe on depicting the events at hand nor the clarity just really missed that toothy textured brush and look. I especially loved the confirmation of Ishar's choice at the end when her baby managed to help her in the rescue attempt which feels really evocative of the terrible and wonderful creature she created.


Such great spot blacks page to page really added extra drama and punch to a myriad of your scenes. There's something ominous about a gopher glowering in anger when swathed in heavy shadow XD
The build up to the face off between Ishar and Lu is as explosive as I think we all hoped for. The creativity in translating her baby into various weapons was not only creative but really lended to a sense of movement in how you composed your scenes. I especially dug the dual pistols as an opening volley. I'll admit the ending was abrupt, but maybe that's all we're meant to see because everything that Lu needed to say as had before the match? I'm still undecided if that that ambiguity of aftermath is a missed opportunity or succinct period on a tourney well battled.


First of all, grats on the 100th comic! What an achievement for that lofty number being the finals of a tournament? Speaking of achievements a full color 28 page comic with a complete and resounding story is nothing to sneeze at. you went exceedingly hard on this and the effort shows.
Accountagopher is the hero we didn't know we deserved. I utterly admire the way you handle your storytelling of the mundane and fantastical when it comes to her mind- and the reveal of the stage and her crisis of faith to the director was a great peek into Accountagophers mind. I echoed the sentiment of clever when she used her fellow opponents as talking proxies to reach the conclusion that heart is the way someone like her wins, as opposed to brawn. Such great out of the box thinking on how to tell this story just made for a really fun read throughout.


Oughhhh, this is so good Saggy!!! Nice work on the art, it seems like some of it was unfinished but it all served well in the end and was clearly understandable. The limited colour use in this was neat!

The story was definitely the strongest part here, each character having to confront their personal trial was a great idea and getting to see how each overcame it was very nice! And oughhhhh, Ishar dealing with the grief of the baby and how it ultimately ended being her salvation hits right in the doki doki. Once again, a superb finale all around!


Let's goooooo, that was great Ninja! The culmination of Accountagopher's story arc was very nice to see, getting to see her finally get some success in her life was a sweet conclusion :holdingbacktears:! Have to shout out too that meta sequence, neat way to explore her internal inadequencies and hey, I recognize that Torontonian fella.

Now to shout out your art, you did absolutely amazing with it! The action especially was great, loved seeing all the babes get to show off their stuff (even Accountagopher with the final punch!) As always too, you used colours great in this, the pink shift for the finale really nice. You slappa this out of the park, Ninja!


Nice work on this, Camel! Really enjoyed how you gave a further exploration behind the setting and the situation the characters have found themselves, the use of Accountagopher herself being the one to mix things up was great! The interactions between characters was nice to see too like Lu and Ishar's pre match talk.

The art was real good too! Your portrayal of the location was very fun, the machine behind it being H.E.R is a chef kiss. The action in that final fight was super dope, great showing off of Ishar's abilites! And to wrap it all up, that final panel is definitely the hardest of this finale, truly peak!


I like that you ended up adopting Wolke's story. It ends up being a really intriguing twist for poor Ishar and it gave your story a really unique flavor, especially when you've spent so much time developing the general fallout of Baby's death on her. This journey of the soul, while it didn't particularly determine a winner to the tournament, Ishar definitely seems done with the whole thing and far more relieved that some part of the Baby fused within her own body, which I thought was a good touch.
Visually, while this isn't as ethereal looking as previous rounds, it also sort of feels like maybe that's intentional due to the baby's influence no longer being felt? Which if that was the intent, success.
On the whole, I really dug this comic and I hope we see more Ishar in the future soon. Solid work!


Everything that you produced was just fantastic. It was a terrific read and consistency definitely contributes to the marks for me when reviewing this. You did so much of it right, that I'm not going to lean in on that too much, because the comic you produced was excellent. I was a tremendous fan of it all and you got high marks from me. So, because you're as strong as you are, I'll probably be a little critical for the review just to point out some points I think you could improve on.

The brush you're utilizing has some really wildly different sizes to them and while I am a fan of using pressure, I think you should lighten up on it in some spots and use a brush with a thinner max output. Going from very fine to extremely thick sort of makes the world feel a lot more uneven than I think you're intending to make it, for example page 12's bottom thickness makes it feel more like it's not even in the same world as the thinner texture of Accountagopher there, whereas if you use a smaller ceiling, it'll help everything feel a lot more unified. Maybe play with it some more in future.

Your colors are very nice, but I think you're also playing it a little safe with your color choices. I would have liked even better definition gained through your colors, since they seem to be what's mostly defining what's happening to your character inside of your line art. Don't be afraid to go harder with your lighting as well, maybe even using a different brush compared to the sponge brush.

Taking the previous criticism into account, I thought this was a really strong showing. You really gave your opponent's story proper conclusion and you didn't really answer the question of Accountagopher - they just are. Which, is just perfect. You told a fun story throughout this tournament and you really had the art to back it up. You're definitely one of the most active and strongest artists we have on the site, and you really displayed it with this tournament. This was a terrific comic, great work.


I've no interest in going over the time issues that have occurred, because you're far more aware of them than I am, so no need to go over that. Regarding this comic, I thought it was a nice finale for everything. I don't think the boyfriend subplot particularly went anywhere too interesting for this tournament, but I dunno if the full weight of it was cut for time or if that was setting something up you want to kick down the road. Either way, I was more interested in everything else.

When it comes to really throwing down action you do a terrific job.I know it's not easy, but you have such a solid way of handling your fight choreography and that's been displayed through this tournament very well. Each round, you did something rather visually cool with the fight itself and I really liked this one as well. You incorporated your opponents well and honestly gave them far more respect than even Lu it feels like! Accountagopher in particular was handled excellently.
While this may not have been the finale you were hoping for, I'm still very impressed and loved what you did with this. Great work, Camel.

Dream Weaver

Ahhhhh Saggy this comics super lovely, the writing and story beats are super neat to see! I love how you played with wolke’s ending, working off that tragedy and progressing it is so good to see, I’m here for it I’m living for it! Hilarious to see Ishar’s siblings are so normal, and Ishar’s just kinda like that! I like the approach of overcoming being the last Babe, overcoming their personal hurdles bit by bit, and it totally tracks Ishar would fail with how much they love they babyyyyyyy. Loved the colored backgrounds from early on as well, overall very pretty comic! Never regretting you meat horror babyyyyyyy

Dream Weaver

OOOH YEAH YEAHHHH NINJA! Alright alright alright a metaplot, I see I see, its fun to see how you play with your cast, avoiding the easy road of direct opponents and instead having a babe team up! Hell yeah Lu dump his assssss! OOooh how you approach the shining star above is so good, that shit’s so colorful and impactful yeah baby love to see it! One flashy hell of a finale! WHY THE FUCK IS WORK SO MEAN TO HERRRR >:[

I think the only weaknesses this comic really has is needing a bit of outside context to get the meta twist of toronto kid, but even then this comic is great, one hell of a finale, great job!

Dream Weaver

OOOOH CAMEL!!! Your inks are absolutely phenomenal, so slick, so strong, I adore your level of action and characterization in this comic, how you approached using both of your opponent's ocs is so well thought out and dedicated, really allowing them to shine in their different avenues! Ohohoho YEAHHH LU, STEPPING UP TO THE BASE, swing swing knock Ishar out, lets see you deliver a clear victory!

Oh I love your inks and I love your colors, your dialogue and plot beats are killer, the dialogue is so intense wooahhh!! I think that Ishar's character may be a bit off as she seems more purposefully hostile then normal but otherwise you do every oc so much justice, and manage to incorporate every oc into your current plotline so well that it all balances back out out! Phenomenal work!


Gorgeous art as always Saggy!! While I am left wishing that some pages were more finished than others, your line work is extremely clear and readable even without any additional passes of color or shading. The story was a good mix of lighthearted and touching; I think Ishar’s dedication to keeping her baby being one of the story’s main driving forces is very well executed! I feel the other characters were incorporated well despite a good chunk of the comic being dedicated to her. Composition wise, your panel breakdowns are very readable and easy to follow along, and you’ve made clearly deliberate and strong choices with balloon placement across every page. It would be cool to see this comic just a bit more finished, but that doesn’t take away from my enjoyment of it at all.


Ninja you’re insane. How do you consistently turn out finished comics with 20+ pages, I’m in awe. You’ve got some pretty good panel layouts and balloon placement! One of the layouts I liked the most is when Ishar decapitates the monster - the juxtaposition between the two subjects is super well executed. You’ve really nailed the art of ‘time as space’. One thing I would suggest you try out is trying to unify the colors in some of your pages better - I think a more limited pallete as well as more attention paid to values would help your readability be even better!


Woah!!! Even with not all of the comic being colored, I was blown away by the first page’s strong colors. Even on the pages that have just lines, you’ve got clean lines and strong black spotting and panel layouts that still make the comic readable. That final fight scene between Mystic Lu and Ishar is INSANE. I really felt that CRACK when Ishar gets headbutted. The sudden switch to rendering for the final panel is really cool as well, and serves to highlight the mood of having ‘won’ the tournament. On top of that, you’ve got really good layouts for speech bubbles as well!