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Now this one is interesting. I cannot believe that you had the audacity to go with a One-Pager scroll, Temptation comics are always an unexpected bag of interesting layouts and experimentation and i love this as an introduction to The Chasm, and it feels like a weird take on the concept of digging down, one that I'm interested to see how it'd be explored in the other rounds! Though temptation doesn't really feel like they get to do much, the fall out of the page into the darkness below does feel like a very fitting end to one weird descent!
you have a very identifiable art style and while the action and character acting is really expressive, some things really held this round back in my eyes / judging criteria. This comic mostly feels like its not set in a cave at all, more like a corridor of rocks, where the characters feel almost interchangeable with each other, nothing about their situation felt like it could only occur with the given characters, neither of them really shine!!! Not even your own! I do like Eva's shenanigan-ry, but it doesn't culminate in any interactions that really highlight either of the character's strengths other than fighting ability. Also the in-universe race to the bottom of the chasm is not really a tournament either, meaning that Eva would not be really "Looking for opponents" as no one is set out to fight each other, people join the race to the bottom and rounds are incidental encounters! It just didn't feel like it fit the spirit is all, this comic could have taken place in any other tournament, i feel!
Also, a word on the [Battle Info] Page, i do not think it is necessarily useful to have these battle pages when there are character pages on the website that we can already access, and the battle info pages ironically enough did not give much information or context to the battle as a whole, for a page that should have been useful for making the comic more accessible, it really did not help much and i think it could be done a little bit better! For example, say the context of the comic is your characters exploring this dungeon and coming into an altercation, i feel like the context page should give at least a good lead-in to the plot and each character's motivations or goals in the plot!
WOLKE- I'm not gonna lie I was looking forward to seeing what you were going to cook up for this tournament first round and you did not disappoint. Love the utility of the long scroll format to denote delving into the depths. That opens the door to alot of fun possibilities for future comics- That and the little pitstops and obstacles along the way. Clever use of that textured brush to 'dig' a hole through that blackfill. Very frugal means of giving detail without too much work. Oh how much deeper will this cursed egg go?
VERUM- I love your silly little creature. Eva's got an almost Tex Avery goofiness to their antics and that's not more indicative than this comic and exchange with Temptation. I've said this before, but it bears repeating: Its clear you have a handle on your work. Your character art is solid, your expressions are choice and the character aspects of your comics is wonderfully compelling. Where you lose me is your backgrounds and environment work. The conceit of this tournament is an infinity chasm which is what most everyone featured in a neat and unique way and I'll be honest, this felt more like an infinity hallway. The same horizontal backdrop for things like the funny bout between Eva and temptation or the the fight with the caveling beast had the dynamism sapped by the same backdrop. You have a talent for adding so much personality to your work-I encourage you to do so with the world your characters are living in.
Comment posted: February 13th, 2025 at 10:18 AM
VERUM - This one has a lot of heart! Eva is SUCH an endearing character and the way you write them has been a treat both here and in the intro comic. A very punch/eat/run-first-think-later kind of character, but a well-intentioned one for all that, whose reactions to situations always feel relatable, even if not immediately correct. I love too how, in the spirit of slapstick, her level of bravery and motivation shifts to match the energy of the situation, and she can go from nervous to completely owning the situation on a dime.
I love how you've teamed them up with Temptation in this one; whether tempy is getting chased or they are both freaking out over the appearance of a big monster (the eye pop had me ROLLING on the floor laughing fr), they feel like a natural comedic slapstick duo, and I feel lucky to have seen Tempy be part of your comic.
Your art is, if you'll excuse the chasm pun, rock-solid, and your style very well suited to the sort of Merry Melodies antics the characters are getting up to. You've got a great sense for the degrees of absurdity to apply to proportions and physical reaction to fit the mood of the comic, and you make the shifts through those moods with a deft hand.
Really great stuff overall; I loved having you as an opponent this round, and I had a blast making a comic with EVA!
Comment posted: February 8th, 2025 at 10:33 AM