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Comic completed on December 12th 2022


A simple conversation that feels natural between two characters about lore and world building the reader doesnt know anything about is a tough sell, but I think you handled it rather well! You even avoided the dreaded "as you know..."

I love the little set up details like that Sundriig light tower peeking through the window on the first page. Not to mention their walking has a purpose as the pair walk TO said light for the third day of this ritual. Your backgrounds have been such a treat, and while the festive decorations are on the slim side, it IS a facility, so it may just be a case of serious business seriously adding the bare minimum of holiday spirit lol

This is a nice peek into the universe your character has to offer. I'm definitely intrigued to know more!


Little fellas comfying up their metallic facilities with festive decor the best they can 🕯️

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This was fun and lovely to read. It was really nice getting a little bit more of the cultural Lore from where kynsii is from. It also does a good job highlighting the amount of respect and care he has about preserving and protecting the culture as well. I also liked the idea of the tall light representing the count down till the final feast. that was a very nice touch. The art was lovely as always, I enjoy the color palette you picked for this comic. Thank you very much for sharing this with us and I look forward to more!


It's so great to see Kyinsii again and I love that this comic has given us a bit of a history lesson about his world's traditions. The little 'meow' puns he inserts in some of his words throw me off in a good way (makes me chuckle) because otherwise, he sounds so serious and no-nonsense. The comic is short but feels complete and also well-written.

The color palette you chose is also fit for the theme. Cool blues with some pop of red for contrast. The last panel with the lighting of the lamps has such a thoughtful design to signify the five days of Sundriig too, with the final lamp much bigger than the others. Really appreciate the world-building you're doing and that we are able to witness it here in Oculama. As always, I am looking forward to more Kynsii's adventures and learning more about this realm he calls home. Keep up the wonderful work!