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Phew! What an ending! You've got an undeniable talent for plumbing some very bleak outcomes and presenting them with just the right balance of color and flair to make the grim pretty darn amusing. My big area of improvement would be story flow; the ending, creative and fitting as it is, comes a bit abruptly, and the queen's arrival and immediate departure doesn't really prop up the home-run that is the latter part of the comic. Good use of color and shading textures as always; your comics are consistently fun even to just look at, between the brightness and the textures, and your perspective work, while sometimes subtle, is genuinely impressive, adding a lot of life to your characters' hijinks.
I'm having so much fun taking in all your compositions this round. the page layouts are one and all very cleverly laid out, and the colors varied but muted enough to walk the fine line of story you've laid out. Improvements wise, I would recommend a proofread or maybe extra set of eyes to catch the stray typos in the text, and maybe find a few areas to trim the proverbial storytelling fat. As for the art, the only big hiccup I can think to mention is that it took me a second red-through to realize the QoH on the bottom of page 4 hadn't actually pulled out her gun in real-time. Kudos on a very pithy exploration of emotions in the concluding half; Bliss' discovery of a deepening appreciation for, well...bliss when put alongside misery, contrasted almost immediately with the other machine's rejection of the emotional responsibility that entails really hits the heart in some kinda way. One of the best endings of the tournament to date.
This was a really great read, I liked the direction you took with Bliss and the over all interaction between Bliss and Queen of Hurts. I also really enjoy how creative you get with your panel layouts and transitions. I think they are clever and very interesting visually! You make a dialogue exchange that's happening between the two fresh and interesting to keep the reader engaged.
My only confusion in the comic was the scene transition with page 3, I wasn't fully sure how Queen got in front of bliss or to that location from the grave site.
Otherwise, awesome job dude, had a great time reading it!
I think this is one of the strongest comics I've seen from you yet! I do agree with you, you're pacing was very good on this one. Overall it was a very fun comic with a dark humor twist at the end. Which seems very fitting for Bliss.
The only thing that comes to mind off the bat, and it could be more a personal preference, but I think a bit more clarity that Bliss hacked the system in order to lock queen of hurts in there more beyond the "Twitch" on page 5 to imply Bliss was still alive to drive that's what happened home.
Otherwise, I think you did a real solid job! Great work!!
I've got zero clue as to how you do those backgrounds or come up with the panel layouts the way you do. The shading is on-point as well. Additionally, it's interesting to see the second philosophical-esque debate and non-violent kill against Bliss. Much like Sheriffm, I believe you did a great job delievering that, though I feel that Bliss is made out to be more morally-grey than she actually is meant to be. Still, nitpicks are there just for when I have nothing serious to critique, and I greatly enjoy this type of comic as much as the violent spine-tearing ones, and these were two characters I was pretty surprised to have engaged in such an interaction.
Another sharp action packed comic from you; as colorful and as vibrant as ever, a great fit for both characters. The same comedy as last time is still there in a mix of humour and horrible deaths. I think Bliss was well-portrayed, whereas Queen felt like she got nerfed a bit in terms of power. It's more of a nitpick than anything, which a simple "It's no fun killing robots" would've solved and perhaps even contributed to the comic overall. Nitpick aside, the twist that gets Queen in the end, though it felt a bit predictable, still proved to be a delightful surprise with the actual means of her death, keeping the sinisterly lighthearted fun.
I was kind of bummed to see the herald story line wasn't being continued, but what you did give us is *so* good! A bit of Queen of Hurts backstory, Bliss as a universe conquering roboqueen looking for more kicks wherever she can get it, a mechamurder most foul?? Love it. Your layouts and coloring style always look killer, but I especially love them here. Page 2 into page 3 with the mirrored panel, the one shot of the Queen smiling and killing, PAGES 6 AND 7?? Your stuff is so good to look at! And the whole buildup just to Bliss getting offed by her own happy robo legion is done so well, what a fun read!
Man, your comics are just so FUN, no matter what you're drawing. It helps that your characters is a psychotic fun loving robolady, but your comics in general, you know. Bliss seems like a super fun character to play with, but you had your fun with the Queen too! I love the way you drew her in that first panel of page 2, and the shapes you made with her gun are just so pleasing to look at! Your pages look fab, especially those first couple with the establishing shots, great work. Also hot damn, full color on everything! Plus shading! (I'm partial to a halftone myself) I would cry if I had to draw that spaceship, but it looks like you had fun drawing it lol. I also love the way you killed off the Queen, it made for a hilarious payoff to a great comic!
Corn - Another strong showing from you this round. Art is fantastic and I really dig these subtle use of colored screen tones for your shadows. I love how versatile your style is as well. That ending though.. whoa! That is just brutal. Killing your opponent without having them shed a single drop of blood at that. I can't even imagine being in Queen of Hurts' shoes. The only thing I would've probably suggest is that I think if the spacecraft looked like it was just floating aimlessly in the vastness of space in the last page would've made the time passing more apparent. But overall, I really love this!
Ninja - It's so nice to see a glimpse of this other side of Queen of Hurts and it wasn't lost to me that it contrasts so well with Bliss' entire character (as her name implies) and I am glad you took this 'two sides of the same coin' dynamic as the premise of this comic. Colors are definitely one of your strongest suits but I think your paneling (or 'lack' of it!) is just as (if not more) impressive. I love you utilized the elements of the scene/story to direct the eye of the readers and each page looks like one whole painting. Really strong composition skills!
this was a very fun comic! I really liked the big panel compositions with the speech bubbles leading the reader through. I also really liked the character interactions, the searching for pain. I found the ending a bit confusing; at first I wasn't quite sure what happened to the central robot and why the computer moniters shifted; I couldn't tell if she killed the central bot or it was shut down because the others didn't want to feel pain. Other than that confusion, I did still really enjoy this! It had this bittersweet feel to it and made me feel bad for both characters. Also, obviously the colors were phenomenal.
This was a super tightly paced and fun read! At first I didn't notice the hand gripping her leg but I quickly understood where it had come from. I really enjoyed the character interactions and the ending was darkly funny and fucked up. Some of the panel and speech bubble compositions were a bit hard to follow, but overall I felt the action was easy to read. I really liked the opening page with her door/ramp slamming down. That had really good perspective. Overall I felt this comic also had really nice backgrounds and prop designs, so the characters never felt they were floating in a void.
I really love the character interaction in this comic, the lack of plot really opens up the space for you to explore the characters fully. Both their personalities come through so strongly and I love the delve into Queen of Hurts' inner world. The "killing blow" here is not just interesting and creative but also the perfect resolution to the buildup.
Plus the color pages are gorgeous! I love your choice of image in a lot of this, the level of visual abstraction during their discussion gives this wonderful sense of grandiosity. I feel you are expertly utilizing the strengths of the medium!
Overall a lovely and thoughtful story and one of my favorites from this round.
This is a deliciously fun romp that hits this punchy sweet spot in terms of length, the ideas are well-developed but not overcooked. The death blow here is super fun and I think one of the most memorable of the tournament. The entire comic feels like it builds up to and resolves around the one ending moment. Not sure if this was intentional but it seems like you were addressing one of the critiques that people had of your first round (the ending was sudden) and I think that's super impressive because you really hit the nail on the head here.
Plus the art is fantastic, the colors pop off the page but without losing focus, and you have a natural flow and casual sense of dynamicity that never feels forced.
Overall I love seeing Bliss terrorize the galaxy in these and this is a wonderfully self-contained piece.
I gotta tell ya, your worldbuilding and personal touch of your own Oculama lore is infectious. I wanna play in this world. I want to visit these forgotten cities. Each of your comics has your characters tromping around is such rich worlds it leaves me looking forward to what you'll cook up next. Not to mention you have some panels that're some radical smacks in the face when it comes to your themes. The way Hurts face is reflected in Bliss' visor when they say "I wanna be more like you"?? Come onnn SO GOOD!
At the end of the day this comic boils down to two characters having a conversation, but you managed to make it one helluva interesting chat with how you stretched those creative muscles on your panel composition and visuals. Really fun stuff.
Some nice dynamic posing page to page- especially dig page two and The queen up in my face before their laser gun decides to come zapping at the viewer. Also the angle on that kick is great. I think if I had one note, it would be the format of your word bubbles of the ships computer. Having them as regular dialogue bubbles threw me and I assumed Queen was speaking to themselves. I also think it was a missed opportunity to use a more electronic word box that could visually change one Bliss takes over, like a tick of a different color perhaps.
There was some intresting writing here. It was intresting to see backstory with the queen of hurt. You explore a bit of her motives and how that related to bliss!
Though I am a bit confused how this connects to the over plot that you constructed in the first round. I do feel like some of the backgrounds are a bit weak. Mainly page 4 I feel like the clube house didn't really fit with Bliss.
However there was some really nice visual looks and it did become very philosophical in it's visual style. It was a very intresting style choice.
Once again this was a fun comic to look at very colourful and intresting to look at. It's impressive to have such a well drawn comic done within a week! Props to you on that! You also did a great job with the flow of the comic
However I feel like there could of been some more character interaction between Bliss and queen of Hurts. I would love to see more of bliss talking with her people she's murdering!
It was a very dark end to Queen of Hurts, a very creepy ending in that regard. You also do some good set up for the next comic.
really great work on these!
Comment posted: February 26th, 2023 at 9:41 AM
This one is gonna be such a hard one to vote on. Excellent job to both of you.
Comment posted: February 23rd, 2023 at 8:49 AM
Im really proud how this comic came out and I had a good time doing it, I think the last few days were a bit of a stress but overall good feelings on this one.
Comment posted: February 21st, 2023 at 5:54 PM
Im really proud how this comic came out and I had a good time doing it, I think the last few days were a bit of a stress but overall good feelings on this one.
Comment posted: February 21st, 2023 at 5:54 PM