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This was such a fun comic. Accountagopher is such a fun and adorable character, and I like how you played with the daydream aspect in this comic. As always your use of color was well used in this comic, going from a subdued palette for the dream sequence to a more saturated and colorful one for the present moment was well done.I also really enjoyed your texturing on this page.
The Holiday dinner at the end with all the characters was so sweet and a delightful surprise. Using a Golden temptation as the idol was really fun too, nice little Easter egg.
The only thing as far as a critique goes, and I think this is is super minor, Is I think for the transition from day dream to the present situation could have used one more Panel for clarity for the transition, but being a one pager done in 24 hours, it's still really good.
absolutely delightful overall.
Yess! Seeing Harvey in action is great. This was a fun one page gag comic. I think the premise was really strong and you did a good execution and set up for the joke. I think you also made really good use of your opponent's character in the writing. Overall the pacing worked well and your lines and your yellow/warm monochrome color scheme was nicely done.
I think my only critique would be the panel layout is a little scrunched so the reading order didn't flow as easily ( I went right to the mirror mirror panel after the buzzcut panel instead of the Dye Panel) But for a 1 page, 24 hour hour battle comic, I thought this was really good.
Excellent work dude!
This was a really fun read! I love both of AG's looks in this comic (through the Indiana Jones tribute threads might be my favorite that I've seen her in to date), and the shift from the trap triggering to the dinner table was a really smooth segue into the punchline!
(also OMG @ the Temptation treasure - I LOVED it)
I think the first couple of panels as AG navigates the hair and enters the temple are some of the most muted colors-wise that I've seen from your comics, aside from outright black and white pages, but I think it's a testament to your experience with color that you still make even those more subtle cool colors feel rich. It also works great to make the lil' golden egg pop~
I'll admit I did not realize AG's whole adventure was meant to be taking place in Harvey's beard until my second read-through, thought I think that was more me missing the visual cues given than any fault of the comic itself. (I thought her look of horror was directed at the cheese in the plate Harvey was offering her, rather than the cheese crumbs in his beard). Regardless, that look of horror on AG's face in the last panel is SUCH a funny visual punchline. I think it's something about the combination of her face and her arms-wide pose that sells the humour of it.
Overall a really fun comic for the holidays! It was really nice to see a whole bunch of characters sharing a meal, cheese crumbs in facial hair notwithstanding ;)
The barber has landed! I am very excited to finally get a comic with this guy; I've been low-key looking forward to this since his character profile dropped~~~
First off, great setup. There's something quite amusing about Harvey's trepidation about cutting, in his words, "A rodent's hair. It leads to some genuinely funny panels as we can see the worry on his face, even as he plies his talents to the task.
The tight-focus panels sell the tension really well. That the stakes are (relatively) pretty low makes that tension building all the more amusing. I think it also heightens your punchline as well; a steady diet of fictional media would lead a lot to expect the unveiling of a spectacular haircut that AG loves. The fact that she reacts with disappointment (even though the haircut *is*, imo, quite spectacular) is just unexpected enough to elevate the humour at the end.
I enjoyed your take on AG as well - giving the usually mum gopher lines was a bold choice, but you definitely nail making her sound like a stressed/ busy white-collar gal. Her relatively subdued, but nonetheless despairing reaction to her haircut felt very true in this regard (Poor AG, and poor Harvey :( )
A wonderfully droll comic for this liminal holiday week. Look forward to seeing more of Harvey in 2025!
Theres nothin quite like a good cooked batch of gopher to settle down a holiday feast! i would grind up that bitch with some bell peppers and olive oil. Oh yeah good comic, btw! I'm not sure what the Idol Egg thingy was supposed to be an allegory for as the rest of the feast seems to be present throughout the accountagopher's day dream but otherwise this was a lovely little slice of accountagopher comic! You sell a good holiday vibe and im glad that we could always rely on you to see more oculama characters represented in the pages of the comic itself! This battle feels like it could have been straight outta the Holiday Collab
there aint nothin like a close shave and a close shave this one was close in deed! One page from each artist and they have been both such a great slice of comic! Although one thing i will say that does change a bit of the decision is that i do not believe that account a gopher has ever actually spoken before, which is one of the only things i can really ding the comic for, as that is basically the crux of the comic and it's humor. hahaha its unfortunate but when its something as even as this i suppose i gotta cut it somewhere
Accountagopher's expressions are an unending source of joy and it's really sweet seeing so many characters there at the end. The two color palettes do a really good job differentiating between the imagined and "real" scenes, while still being subtle enough that the whole page stays cohesive. There are a lot of really nice little details in the dinner scene, like the sweaters on Pinn and Harvey, and Coach Wizard down there like those paintings of baby jesus that draw him as a tiny old man, sorry if that was kinda tangential i just thought that was great. The hair forest is also a choice setting for Accountagopher's adventure and you rendered it very effectively to create a sense of slightly gross wonder.
This is a great intro to Harvey, even with how short the interaction is Harvey's flustered efforts are really endearing. I like the backgrounds in this a lot too, the little details in the first panel, like the shattered window and the dead tree with that janky sidewalk, give it a strong sense of some run-down part of town that Harvey manages to make feel warm. The character art is also so fun, both characters are exaggerated and expressive with nice sharp, clear shapes. The tones and little bits of texturing also do a really good job of making the comic feel finished and professional.
Everytime I see an Accountagopher comic I'm always amped to see what imaginarium adventure she has cooked up. Your concept is so fresh it makes even a mundane dinner something fun to see through this furballs eyes. Your coloring, per usual is lovely. I wonder if you've gotten a new splatter brush? It adds a nice extra 'grit' to your final render if that makes sense.
While there is nothing wrong with things as is, I'd love to see you experiment with a more imaginative palate for Accountagophers daydream sequences. Colors that perhaps match the fantastical nature of what she's cooking up. Granted this is just a suggestion because as is, this is a pretty danged solid comic.
I don't know if y'all planned this ,but I really enjoyed that you two took such slice of life everyday events to not only have the characters engage, but in Harvey's case, give us a taste of what they're about. Great to see Harvey's banner art taking center stage as we're introduced to the Lowered Ear! I would've loved to have seen what you would've done if you followed the artist's M.O and made Accountagopher not speak. The theme you had going really seemed to lend itself to that by way of the reactions ,but I am here for our little lady calling Harvey a redwood, lol
Just wanted to say thank you to ninja for taking me up on a 24 hour battle over the holiday! I had a blast working on this and I adore Accountagopher.
Comment posted: December 27th, 2024 at 4:15 PM