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I absolutely love how utilized each and every character feels in this comic, with everyone being interacted with in some capacity, especially TEMPTATION! I fucking LOVE temptation in this comic his little egg body was such a highlight and seeing all the characters go on this ambitious grand adventure fighting multi dimensional cult-cops? Fucking stellar
it feels like a fucking saturday morning cartoon in the adventure department and i adore the writing, from the entire story feeling whole- to the character-to-character writing. Surprisingly amazing duo combo, especially with an unlikely combo as an egg and a yo-yo woman like Sybil, fucking stellar work
The art in this is fantastic and so crisp and polished from fight scene choreography to the page-to-page panellings, however in spite of this amazing art is some feeling of underutilizing some of the characters like Temptation and even Orfin himself, although just a tad
Overall this was a fantastic showcase of comic making ability i do wish that Sybil and Tempation were more prominent in the comic, even if it took away from the premise/pacing to the whole setup of the comic. Still, some great comic work, i enjoyed it just as much as the other teams! Truly two equally enjoyable comics here.
This was a really fun comic and it feels like you both had fun writing it! It was a fun read!
The line art over all was good and that colored first page was just delightful! The speech bubble placement flowed very well here and the layouts overall worked fairly well!
Page 10 is a fun establishing shot for looking over the city! I think the composition is really nice in this panel, the only thing that sticks out to me is I think If you did a thicker outline around orfin I think it would help establish that as the foreground and help the eyes separate the visual elements a bit more. It gets a little chaotic and the information of what's what gets a little lost.
Thank you both for such a fun comic! As always, looking forward to reading more!
This was a Fun, Badass Action comic to read! You both work really well together!
And what a fun take on sybil! and temptatopm Those action scenes flowed really well! The use of grayscale and color was well executed! and that ending is leaving me wanting more!
My only real nitpick is Is I feel that the overall work could have benefited from a more consistent style and art direction overall, the different styles kind of took one out of the story briefly. Perhaps if one person did all the line work and someone took over grayscale and coloring I think that could be a benefit.
Otherwise solid job guys! I look forward to more comics from you both!
Right off the bat, the opening page, showcasing Jerrad's talent is SUCH a creative flow of motion and design. The city was your canvas and you used it to its fullest extent page one. The thing is ,you two had such an epic tale planned, most of your other pages don't get the same love your page one does. I would've loved to have seen a short and sweet story with the level of quality you had in your opening throughout.
I think if I had a note it would've been relegating the color coded word bubbles to your main cast. I personally would've preferred them all to be devoid of color, but considering the high dialogue, I can see why the color swatches were used.
Its neat to see a vs tournament interpreted in the opponents joining forces in a believable way to take down the big bad and this is done so in lovely montage. I especially dig page 17 and how the 'panels' are divided via the characters themselves. Very creative! Such ambitious work from you two right out the gate. Regardless of the outcome I definitely wanna see more
Camels intense inkwork and shadows combined with Seans gritty street storytelling really made for a dream team combo. The tagged title page had such personality from the get which had me excitedly going page to page and I really didn't have to go far to get a sense of what's going on. Your economy of storytelling and set up simply on one page as to what we should expect in your version of the junction is great. Also for a black and white comic, those pops of color to color-code and showcase each character were a nice conservative touch.
Excellent excellent battle sequences to boot. I think my favorite had to be Sybils summoning in Dons office. Who knew a yo-yo could be so deadly?? Also you really drove home the impact of that final hit in the change of the entire comic page going black. SUCH good utility of your inks and when those black fills are important.
I think Temptation themselves to the naked eye would've been seen as a character that wasn't really used much in this comic, but the nurture of what the character is and how they were implemented was abundantly clever. All in all really fantastic work you two!
Ah, this comic's got so much going on! It took a couple reads to fully understand the situation without knowing any lore beforehand, but it pays off to learn. The broken city full of orphaned children is a great setting, and the shots of it are always interesting. I'd like to see more of it, but there's a lot of shots of just a single character talking without a strong sense of location or time. This is the comic's only big flaw, there's a whole lot of dialog spent explaining the situation (sometimes in ways that actually obscure things) and it feels like there could be some cuts that let the city speak for itself. The characters do good enough heavy lifting to keep the comic very fun though, and their arc of responsibility carries through quite well. It's neat!
The small splashes of color are such a bright spot in this comic, they really add a mood to the small pieces that make up this setting. There's a lot of implied backstory and not all of it is easy to understand, but the main conflict is set up very clearly and quickly. Some of the characters felt like they didn't really fit into the story, and that can be a strength (Sybil's silliness is on the spirit page a fun contrast to the spiritual assistance) but also feels like it detracts when it comes down to motivations or place in the world. The story itself still shines as interesting though, and I really like the text treatments. It's cool!
Xeno and Wolke - Bravo to both of you for crafting such a captivating and immersive comic. Despite the challenging deadline of two weeks, you managed to put out 26 pages. The opening page alone is a feast for the eyes, bursting with vibrant colors and a clever dual-purpose design that serves as both a cover and an introduction. The organic flow of character interactions felt natural, though at times the dialogue may have been a tad more than my personal preference. Nevertheless, the story held my attention from start to finish. And let's not forget that thrilling climax, complete with the unexpected appearance of a giant donut courtesy of Temptation! Kudos to you both for this delightful comic and for depicting these loveable characters.
Camel and Sean - Hats off to you for yet another immersive storytelling experience. From the very beginning, the plot had me captivated and eager to uncover how the characters would ultimately intertwine. The way you seamlessly brought everything together, in the end, was very satisfying. The fight scene between Sybil and Lu was a standout moment, showcasing your ability to craft intense and dynamic action. Although I longed for more appearances from Temptation, the characters' journeys were still very engaging. While there were a few minor inconsistencies across the pages, they did not detract significantly from the overall enjoyment. Your ink work is gorgeous, and the strategic use of pops of color throughout the scenes added a striking emphasis to the crucial elements. Congratulations on a job well done!
Lu + Orfin: That graffiti fonts title page slaps! And neat way to weave in all the characters into the plot! Plus the greyscale and accent colours is a banger in general but especially with the spray paint thing.
Sybil + Temptation: Hehe look at the little egg go! That yo yo powerup on Orfin is dope. THE SUPER PLATINUM PREMIUM. Goodbye egg... Fun teamwork in this one!
Comment posted: June 25th, 2023 at 1:44 PM
delving into the dangers of various Junction underworlds...
Comment posted: June 3rd, 2023 at 3:43 PM
Absolutely awesome comix! I am incredibly stoked on Al the hard work you guys put into this!
Comment posted: June 2nd, 2023 at 8:31 AM
Comment posted: May 30th, 2023 at 7:16 PM
Phew! Camel and Sean I wish I could vote on this one b/c I would have a LOT of stars to give you. You've taken a really neat approach to the character interactions - I can tell a lot of thought went into figuring out how they'd all find one another into this grand gotham-city-esque crime thriller.
Also, REALLY nice selective use of color. the pop you get out of the graffiti at the end is no joke! Well done!!
Comment posted: May 29th, 2023 at 7:53 AM
I'm especially looking forward to this one. Such intriguing teams to face off first round!
Comment posted: May 17th, 2023 at 1:13 PM