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The long panel bit killed me, solid joke and it works really well as a kind of full-circle resolution to the comic. Your "World's Biggest" concept was also a really nice way to work in those mixed media jokes. I love Temptation just vibing with the trip, their expressions are subtle and they do a whole lot of work with just really slight variations. Going back to the long panel bit I love that wordless conflict between the two of them, like Temptation just silently regretting every choice they made and Benji just staring back oblivious, and the zoom-ins and interchanges are paced so well it's a great moment.
This is so snappy, really strong energy in a tight span. Your character work is really big and expressive in terms of both the art and the writing, it does a lot to make the one-page pace work and still feel like a full story. Also shout out to the world's biggest disappointment I didn't notice that nametag until like just now, I was just gonna say I liked his design but that's so funny damn. Also also I liked the environment design, the tasteful dumpster and big asphalt field do a lot to sell the feeling of being behind some shitty roadside fast food place it's nice.
The pacing on this is so off kilter, it's always on the edge of the seat. While the back and forth stare goes on a bit too long, overall, it works extremely well. The switch to photography is especially great, with great timing on each object's reveal. The whole thing feels like a real road trip, fascinatingly mundane and sincere. The color too is a great addition to the composition, it adds a real life to the important characters and keeps the world feeling small and simple. The rope is a great little karmic irony, fitting for an end where nobody wins. Lovely.
It's beautiful how full this feels with one page, where every panel is dense with information. The overlapping paneling especially helps the brisk pace from feeling sparse or slow. The very minimal backgrounds and worldbuilding are expertly placed, the scene actually comes off as very strongly established. That punchline hits fast and hard, it's absurd and perfectly creative. For critique, the abundance of grays makes the back half feel less strongly established than the front, it'd be nice to have a little more variety behind the buses in the background, if in value at least. A great comic overall, love it!
Oh what an unlucky egg- for everyone else that is. It's so interesting to see your particular style of mixing traditional and digital media. I especially dug the montage of sights to see during the road trip and the nod to everyone's favorite Rayuba XD Temptation is such a friendly character which makes the unfortunate outcomes anyone around them experiences all the more jarring. 'm, left wondering if there'll be debate as to whether that stare off was too long or too short. Sometimes gags are meant to be a tad off-putting and I think in this instance it fits- especially in an instance where there really is no victor, but isn't that the nature of misfortune?
Really dig your work. Your inks are nice and chunky and really lend themselves to that graffiti theming you implemented. I'm left wishing there was more, but super dig you went all out on your feature page. I wanna see more of your slew of neat character designs. That slurb guy is fantastic. I think if there was any note to have its just general surprise Benji's graffiti color can of choice is brown? I would've expected more of a colorful choice considering the impactful palette you utilized. But honestly, that's a nitpick, its a great page all around! :)
Why have just one World's Largest Thing when you can have an entire park of them? Very fun way to interpret the prompt for the round! The art was interesting, contrasting colored characters in focus with white plain backgrounds. I especially thought that using a photo collage was a very interesting way of getting some pages out of the way. And shoutout to Rayuba! Probably the funniest was page 8, which consisted of both characters zoomed in repeatedly, an interesting way to extend a page. I can't really find anything to critique about other than the lack of direct interaction, but cursing Benji to a horrific accident was also a pretty solid way to end the comic! Great work!
I struggled to first find what the "World's Largest Thing" in this comic was, until I saw the guy was the "world's largest disappointment" and had myself a loud laugh. The art was pretty fun, with a drab grey background contrasting the colorful characters in the front. The ending was also pretty funny, with Benji trying to actually cover for Temptation, only for them to instead get on the wrong bus. I thought the characters had pretty simple and expressive shapes, which was fun to read. My only real issue is that the comic is incredibly short, but it still manages to tell an interesting, funny story.
This comic is in almost every respect solid. The art is clear and pretty good, though unexceptional. Shout out to you as a fellow Traditional user, though!
My main point of confusion in this comic is why temptation is crying at the end. Is it mourning Benji? The rope?
Upon my most recent readthrough it has become clear that it is mourning the marking of the Worlds largest unmarked wall, and the fact that it will not be able to take a picture with it, but this was not clear on my first couple.
The "world's largest OCT" bit was pretty good too.
First off, truly EXCELLENT artwork. The style has a flair to it that is almost graffiti like in itself, very fitting for Benji. The colors are vibrant, the lines and shapes are appealing, truly no notes. The writing is I suppose fairly solid too, though limited to essentially a single joke. World's Biggest Disappointment was funny as was their reaction in shock to his bland admonishment.
My most major gripe was that you failed to complete the requirement of your character getting back on the bus.
It does tell a complete story in one page though, which is nothing to scoff at.
Now tHATS how you do scrooll ling comisc,s bayebee!!! i was a super huge fan of all the bits and how the jokes worked both with the comic s structure and the structure of the site itself and how its reader is used its GENIUS on so many levels, that and i love how you draw each of the characters this gotta be one of the tightest matches just because of how you doodle these fucking guys, and having the character end in such a fitting way on the Biggest Unmarked Wall? LIKE, actually i just remembered, for all those other Worlds Largest photos that were real things, did you go on an ACTUAL ROAD TRIP FOR THIS?????
That makes me so happy fr fr, and for a one pager this one slaps pretty damn hard i like it a LOT!! The style is so fun and really carries the energy that the comic would need to get its joke across and i think it nails it pretty damn good, i love how these two really match each others energy and i think the twist of getting on the wrong bus is possibly the best ending twist for this tourney i could think of! Bravo, bravo
this is good shit
A fun comic! I liked the Polaroid pages, although I think putting them together in one single collage page would have been nicer - I don't think the joke of biggest OCT would have suffered or anything. Your traditional media usage is looking quite nice and I think you did well.While page 8's "stare-off/zoom-in" gag is okay, you would have been better served actually redrawing some spots there. Benji sweating or looking around or anything else I think would have been a funnier option to play around with - outside of that though, this was a good comic. Excited to see what you do next!
Based on the quality you're showing here, I can understand the emergency scale-back. That's something that is definitely learned by participating in these things, just what exactly you can do in a time frame. Even so, that doesn't harm the quality of the comic. You have a good joke and you lean on it. The art looks nice - it reminds me of 2000 - 2010's Newgrounds if that makes any real sense. I really can only say that I want more and hope to see you do more soon. This was a lot of fun otherwise - great work.
Breakfast - I'm SO impressed how complete a story you were able to tell here in one page, especially since you downshifted from your original page count.
This is honestly an A+ comic - the wrong bus bit is strong, and the two-panel punchline delivery is a great way to serve it up. After only a page of watching Temptation and Benji commit vandalism I'm 100% ready for more comics of the two of them hanging out (I adore their parallel reactions/ overreactions to the convenience store employee), and I'm ABSOLUTELY a card-carrying Benji fan after this week.
There's so many little things I love about this comic too - Benji speaking the ":3" emoji, the roadside employee's name tag, and the tiny hat on the egg graffiti. It's a modest number of easter eggs, but that you fit them all organically onto a single page is SUPER impressive. The temptation graffiti is really cool - I sort of want to use it in future comics, and while I feel sorry for the employee, the disproportionate vibe between his calm admonishment and our two OCs freaking out is SOOOOO funny.
GREAT work, and it was an honor to make comics with your guy~~~
Comment posted: July 1st, 2024 at 7:13 PM
Round One's Theme
WORLD'S BIGGEST X: A pizza, twine, a pumpkin, a swine. Whatever it is, we have the largest, and people flock from miles around to see it.
Comment posted: June 23rd, 2024 at 2:08 AM