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First Anniversary News Banner
Reflecting on a Year in Beta and the Road Ahead!

It's been a pretty long road, hasn't it? One year ago, we began this crazy experiment! You all came out and made some fabulous comics for us - to our surprise and gratitude. You've all graced us with plenty of happy memories and fabulous content. As Oculama moves forward into the second year and out of beta, we would like to remember the tournaments and events that happened the first year!

We opened up the gates to everyone for our beta on June 24th, 2022 for Oculama's Inaugural Tournament! It was a crazy 3 months that brought a massive turn-out of 52 participants for it, who all produced exciting characters and fan-favorite comics from our community.

Inaugural Champions Elly Cure and Valaric. Art by Eric
Inaugural Champions Elly Cure and Valaric. Art by Eric

Much less our Discord, which had people flood in like water. In a short time, we began adding features and options, slowly but surely. Scar Matches, Death Matches, Tag Matches, and Leaderboards – all of which came and were utilized as we watched the Black Diamond Tournament bring us death and Double Trouble bring us partnerships! Again, we're humbled by the participation we get with each opportunity and we're all thankful for everyone who shows up and helps us test out our crazy little experiment.

Black Diamond 2023 Champion The Null Haunt. Art by Rivana
Black Diamond 2023 Champion - The Null Haunt. Art by Rivana

As we go into our second year, we're bringing new features on the horizon, such as Artist Matches, allowing people to make comics without needing to be attached to a character and giving them the chance to make free-form comics as they like, as well as the beta release of our upcoming and much anticipated Tournament Manager, where we'll finally be able to fulfill the promise of you being able to use Oculama to host your own OCTs the way you want it to be.

Double Trouble Champs 2023 by Pinata
Double Trouble Champions King Jack and Ara Ura. Art by Piñata

Still, we're only just beginning and every piece of feedback you give is something we take to heart. Soon enough, we'll be sharing more about both of these things as we continue to progress our beta. The future looks bright for us and we're glad you're here to help share it!

We had a fun Art Jam for our anniversary on our Discord! Lots of art was made and whipped up by our participants, which we're going to share here as well. If you'd like to hop to our Discord, the link to it can be found here. Stop by if you like!




The first year was a BLAST. Many thanks to this wonderful and supportive community. You have my deepest love and gratitude. <3